𝐱𝐯𝐢. safe space

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𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄─── ・ 。゚⟡ 𑁍 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───જ⁀➴     𝚂𝙰𝙵𝙴 SPACE     𖥔 ݁ ˖ ❫

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 𑁍 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───
જ⁀➴     𝚂𝙰𝙵𝙴 SPACE  𖥔 ݁ ˖ ❫

SHE WOKE UP to Dylan slowly dozing off as he stared up at the ceiling, his fingers slowly running through her hair. She bit her lower lip in guilt, not realizing that she had actually fallen asleep on him.

He looked down, taken back by surprise when he saw her amber eyes opened, slightly droopy, still recovering from the nap she had just woken up from.

"Sorry I slept, I was studying when I was meant to be sleeping," She sighed, "I shouldn't have fallen asleep, especially on you—and that's just," She cut herself off from her rambling, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," He let out a soft laugh as he let go of her hair, "I get it, it's fine."

She shook her head, "Okay, what was it you wanted to do? We can go do it right now, and you won't even hear a peep from me. Well, no complaints, you get it? You do, whatever, come on!"

Aaliyah got off him, now standing as she went to get jeans from her wardrobe, "Where are we even going?"

"Hectic day. Thought about going to this new place that opened up, then the beach. Seemed more of your style, then we can go back to mine because I know you haven't seen Maple in a while, and my mom keeps bringing you up." Dylan stated, making her form a beaming and wide grin as she picked out her clothes.

She grabbed a bag to put her things in it, "Wait, swimming or just there. I don't know how cold it is and I'm not taking a risk before tests," She raised a finger deliberately.

"Whatever you want,"

"Sir, you cannot keep all these decisions up to me. I am possibly the most indecisive person you know, I cannot make decisions!" Aaliyah huffed, "You have an opinion, and I need to hear it."

"Fine, no swimming," He rolled his eyes playfully while she clapped her hands and held what she was going to change into, "We're walking, by the way. Wear comfortable shoes."

"Bold of you to assume I'd wear anything but that," She responded before entering the bathroom, shutting it behind her.

He smiled to himself and got up. As soon as he did, Julianna walked in, not knowing there was someone other than her sister in the room. She looked up, stood there for a few seconds, then resumed like normal.

"Hey, where's Aaliyah?" She asked, putting her phone in her pocket as she placed her head on the doorframe, eyes wandering to the room.

"Bathroom, what's up?" He glanced at the direction of the bathroom, before setting his eyes back on Julianna.

She shook her head, "Nothing, just wanted to see if she wanted to hang out or something. What're you two doing?"

He scratched the back of his neck, suppressing a smile that suddenly wanted to make its way to his face at the mere thought of her presence with him, being somewhat more than only friends, "Going to a cafe, maybe the beach and my house."

Julianna nodded with a pleased chuckle, "Need a ride?"

"Not really, thanks. I thought we'd walk there, y'know?" His hands in his pockets, shrugging slightly before snapping his head to the sound of the door opening. She wore blue jeans, a sweater with a cut neckline on top of her tank-top, just incase she got cold, and wore Uggs to pair it off. She didn't have the energy as she had just woken up to think, so she threw on the first thing she saw.

Aaliyah hummed in her sister's direction, as to question what she needed. Julianna shook her head and then closed the door, leaving the two alone.

"Dylan," She dragged out his name in a certain manner, wanting something as she held her hands in front of her, tilting her head slightly.


"I have a request," The girl asked as she played with her bracelets. He raised his brows to let her know she could continue, and so she did, "Can you braid my hair?"

He gave her a nod, going back to their places on the beanbag, "This reminds me of middle school," He started, making her let out a laugh while she also remembered that moment.

A day before the first day of school, he had tried to teach her what he learned from his mom, but she just huffed and gave up with a pout. He ended up having to put on her favorite movie at the time, which definitely took her mind off of it.

"Don't bring up such catastrophic events," She put her hand up, then stayed silent as she turned on her phone, aimlessly scrolling while showing him a few things here and there. In a few minutes, he was done, "Thanks." She gave him a downward smile, looking at the ground while he mumbled something she couldn't catch.

"C'mon," He grabbed her hand gently, helping her up as she stumbled back. She caught herself, balancing herself before leading them to the living room. Her parents have had more time to themselves lately, which was deserved after raising two girls, one still in her teens while the other had just gotten out of it. They've worked their butts off, so yes, she didn't complain at all when they needed time off, just to themselves.

"Where to first?" She asked as they left the house, after Aaliyah yelled to her sister that they were leaving.

"I thought about the cafe first, get some energy in you."

"Yeah, sorry about that," She covered her face in embarrassment, her cheeks flushed as her body suddenly felt warmer than usual.

"You know I don't mind it, so why be embarrassed?" Dylan genuinely questioned, moving her hands away from her face as she looked up at him with a defeated look.

She stayed quiet for a moment, "I don't know, whatever, let's just go," She insisted and turned around, feeling his eyes on the back of her head while he stayed still for a second before catching up to her.

She stayed quiet for a moment, "I don't know, whatever, let's just go," She insisted and turned around, feeling his eyes on the back of her head while he stayed still for a second before catching up to her

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🏹 𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ... !
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ filler chap!

𝖄𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄, 𝐃.𝐇Where stories live. Discover now