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In the middle of the woods was an abandoned building that was guarded by a tall black gate with brick walls to surround the perimeter. A young hooded person who was dragging a black garbage bag with struggle stopped at the gate. He pulled out a shiny key and opened the shiny lock that connected 2 ends of a rusty chain. Once the gate was unlocked, he dragged the garbage bag inside and locked the gate by reaching through the gate to put the lock where it was originally. As he slowly and painfully dragged the bag, he started to think to himself.

I have been doing the same thing for over 10 years. It has always been the same, I leave this abandoned apartment complex that is located in the middle of nowhere, go to the city for a few days, then I come back carrying a dead body on me back to the same abandoned building. Then I give the body to 3 devil that feed of it. The Soil Devil, the Tripping Devil, and the British Devil.

God, I barely remember my mother. All I know is that she always looked sad, and I don't know if it is because of my existence or the stress of her doctor life. She would always drink or smoke but never hit me. Of course, tragedy would come after us at some point, and now I am forced to depend on the 3 freaks.

I would give them food, and then they would give me food in return. The one who actually feeds me is the British Devil. I always get the worst beans on toast ever. I'm not saying that it is even good in the first place. Sometimes, for doing a good job, he would reward me with crumpets and some random flavor of tea. He always gives the most plain crumpets, but at least he gives me tea to counter that.

On my birthdays, he gives me what is apparently Chinese food in Britain. For some reason, he calls it "A Chinese." I don't know if I'm just mishearing him because of his accent, or he is seriously calling it that. The food is the least visually appealing thing I have ever seen. He calls it "A Chinese," and I call it "50 shades of Tan."

He would also give me biscuits instead of a birthday cake. He gave me as many biscuits as the age I was turning. The buscuts are the most dry food I have ever eaten, and it is hard to swallow all of it. I don't even get tea to drink it down. The British Devil punishes me if I dont finish my food, so I allways continue eating the biscuits. I wish I did not turn 19.

The biscuits are so bad, but at least they are better than the ones at Popeyes. I bought some with the money I stole from the people I killed, and I regret doing it. I felt like I was drowning myself in sand when eating them. At least I got water to save me.

British Devil:Aint that Y/N, innit?

Y/N removed his hood, showing his blonde hair and blue eyes.

Y/N: Yes, it is me.

The British took the form of a person and could be confused for as a fiend. The devil had a black bowler hat, black shorts, and a white soccer jersey, and had a black tie loosely over it. His face looked a little bit shifted, and his teeth were a nightmare to follow. He always wore a monocle, and his mustache always changed into a new style every minute.

Soil Devil: He brought food.

The Soil Devil took the form of a mountain of soil and fertilizer with an eye at the top and a mouth at the bottom. There were plants growing out of his back.

Tripping Devil: I was starting to get worried.

The Tripping Devil took the form of a wet floor sign with 2 eyes and a mouth, and whenever he slowly moved, rocks and other small items always fell behind his path, causing a tripping hazard. You could tell it was a weak devil.

Y/N: OK, here is the dead body. I'm going to my room.

Y/N walked into the apartment block and went to the third and top floor where he opened one of the rooms. The room looked like a big science experiment was going on but left forgotten.

Y/N: This is the reason this building shut down in the first place. Hope I can find something cool today.

He looked at every cabinet and drawer and found just confusing science things until he reached the locked cabinet. After pulling a lot, the cabinet fell off the wall and almost crushed Y/N.

Y/N: Shit, that was close. At least it is opened now. Inside, he found a box that had a single syringe inside. There was a label on the syringe reading "Uroboros," and inside the syringe was a piss orange liquid with a long black worm like entity swimming inside.

Before he could throw it away, he heard a loud crashing noise and saw that the door was gone. The 3 Devils stood menacing behind the door frame.


British Devil: So we gonna eat you, bruv.

Tripping Devil: No, guys, we can't do that.

Knowing it is the end for him, Y/N chooses to inject the syringe into his left arm. He shouted in pain until he removed the syringe, emptying all of its contents into his body.

He took a step back as he felt something crawling under his skin. He slowly fell to his knees and leaned against the wall in pain. He felt like his body was being eaten from the inside, and he could feel every bite. As he screamed, his blue eyes turned orange and got black slits on them like a cat's eyes.

Tripping Devil, worried: Should we help him.

British Devil: Pretty sad innit, ima get bloody pissed after we eat this bastard. I was planning to move out of this rubbish flat.

After fighting for what felt like hours, Y/N collapsed in pain.

British Devil: Take a bite from him, Soil. we will see if it is safe to eat him.

Soil Devil: Fuck you, fine.

The Soil Devil walks to the dead body, but before it could take a bite, a pitch black tentacle that looked like 2 slimey tentacles fused together go through the devil's body and wrap around him. Then, as the devil screamed, the tentacles quickly got tighter around his body until it crushed him in one quick motion.

The 2 Devils saw Y/N standing yet again. The black matter retracted back into his left arm, disappearing once they went into his long sleeve.

Y/N: Looks like this is the power of Uroboros.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Thank you for reading the first chapter, this a a preview of what is to come, but it will take a long time to update at first because I have other stories to work on. I made this because this is technically the first Tendo X Male Reader story on this app [That I know about]. The 3 Tendo fans me included will be eating well.


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