Movie Night

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"Yeah, I think so."

"You sure?".

Salish had called me to help sort out her outfit for the YouTube video.

We were swimming and she was trying to persuade me to wear a bikini.

"Please!" She pleaded.

"Ugh! I don't know. Maybe I could wear a top over it?" I said.

Salish nodded.

"Yeah! I will, too!" She said.

"I only have a black bikini." I said, picking it up.

"I love it!" She said.

"I can just wear my Nike white baggy top." I said, picking it up.

"Yes! Though, when you get wet, you will see through." She said.

"Oh well, it's my only option. I just won't go in the water!" I said laughing.

"I'm going to wear this blue one with a pink Nike top." Salish said, laying her outfit out.

"Okay, it's in an hour. I'm going to get changed and then do my hair and makeup." Salish said.

"Shall I do some makeup. Only like clear mascara because it will just wash off." I said.

Salish nodded happily.

I got into my fit and showed Salish. She then showed me hers, and I did my hair up into a slick back high pony.

Salish just did a low messy bun.

I put on my slides and got into Jordans car.

Salish chatted as we made our way to Peytons.

When we arrived, Salish jumped out, and I followed her to the garden where everyone was hanging out.

Nidal and the boys were already doing flips into the pools.

Peyton ran over and hugged us. I put my phone on the table, and so did Salish.

Jordan called over the boys, and we did the intro.

"Alright, guys, whoever stays in the pool the longest gets to pick to the movie for tonight!" Jordan said.

We all stood at the edge of the pool. Jordan counted down, and at three, we all jumped in.

We were all swimming around and splashing about when Jordan introduced a challenge.

"Whover does the worst handstand has to get out!" He said.

Salish and I squeeled. He counted down, and we all did a handstand. Except Paxton, he wobbled about and crashed into Salish, knocking her over.

He got out and cheered on the boys.

"Next in partners is piggyback to the other side and back again. Whoever comes last, they have to do rock paper scissors, and the loser goes!" Jordan said.

"I pick Y/n!" Nidal shouted and swam over to me.

Salish went with Peyton, and Ashton judged.

I jumped onto Nidals back and slung my arms around his neck as I waited for Ashton to say go.

We started, and Nidal was in the lead. I cheered him on. Peyton was catching up. Nidal turned around and started swimming. I clung onto him like a sloth.

We made it seconds before Peyton and Salish. They did rock paper scissors, and Salish lost. I waved, and she waved back, smiling.

We stayed in the pool for half an hour, messing about until Jordan announced a new challenge.

"Best trick!" He shouted.

Nidal went first and did a front handspring underwater. Ashton then went and did a backhandspring. I decided to do a flexibility trick.

I went under the water and did a chinstand, and I tucked my legs in, making myself into a small folded up ball.

I came up gasping for breath and laughing. Jordan tied it, and he carried on to the next challenge.

"Next is to get out quickly and do a trick into the other pool off the rocks." Jordan said

"You have ten seconds!" He said.

I went first and dashed out of the water. I didn't stop and did a triple full into the water.

I got nine seconds. Ashton went next and did a double front flip. He got eleven seconds, meaning he was out.

Nidal ram and did a triple back flip. He managed to get eight seconds, meaning he had won.

All the girls groaned as this meant he would be choosing the film. It was definitely going to be a horror.

Everyone goy changed the pj's and sat around the TV in blankets and pillows. There were loads of snacks, and Salish, Peyton, and I shared a bowl of Popcorn.

Peyton didn't get scared at all, but Salish and I were screaming at every small scare.

When the movie was starting to get really freaky, I grabbed onto Nidals arm and buried my head into his chest.

He wrapped his arm around me and lightly squeezed me. I stayed like that until I fell asleep.

Tye next morning, Salish was on my leg. Peyton was stretched out. Paxton's leg was on Nidals face. Nidal was half on top of me, and I was cramped up. Ashton was nowhere to be seen.

Our parents picked us up, and we went home. I arrived, and my parents started to act suspicious.

I brushed it off and went up to my room. I opened the door and screamed...

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