CRIME 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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warnings01 : strong language07 : TENSIONNNNNN

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01 : strong language


but I woke up from the dream.

Though my head had a pounding headache, I was still able to scan my surroundings. It was familiar. Where was this place again? I glanced over at the picture frame on the drawer. A picture of Kazuha's graduation picture presented itself to me.

Was I in that murderer's room?

Speaking of the murderer, he came into the room, holding a tray that had a handful of bottles on it. I furrowed my brows as he sat in the chair next to my– his bed. "You're awake," he states like it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah..." I trail off, forgetting what I should say to him in a situation like this. I know I told myself I should be cautious around him, but should I? I know he didn't kill me in my sleep or during the other times we were alone together. I questioned the question I already knew the answer to. "Where am I?"

He gave me a simple smile before answering, "You're in my room, on my bed."

I blink. "I see..." I mumble, avoiding his piercing gaze. He silently offered a bottle of water, which I gladly accepted. "Why?" I finally asked him before tilting my head back to let the clear liquid fall between my lips.

"You passed out when we were in the closet. I had to carry you back home." He paused his sentence, watching me swallow the water with the movements of my throat. He followed his scarlet eyes back up to my face. "But I didn't have the key to your place so I just went back to mine."

My heartbeat began to race. I didn't know if it was out of fear or excitement. Or both.

"Thanks," I reply, forcing a small grin despite wanting to grin even brighter. Running my tongue over my teeth, I ask, "Do you have my phone?"

He tenses up and I raise my brows. He nods, getting something out of his pocket. He hands me my phone and I open it to contact Hu Tao about where I am.

But my movements halt upon seeing the screen.

Why was it already opened?

☆ stay quiet ━━ yandere k. kazuha x reader .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now