Chapter 1

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Music was blaring from a pair of headphones laid beside a dark haired, tan, 15-year-old boy named Jay - who was deep in thought. He was itching to go out for a run but his pack was meeting with the pack that were set up across the lake to discuss a new treaty as the current one was out-dated and played in favour of one pack instead of being equal. A knocking sound came from the door, pulling Jay out of his thoughts. His 12-year-old sister, Leah, swung the door open before he even had the chance to respond.

"Jay, come on! It's time to go!", she spoke, jumping in place before running out of the room.

The boy growls as he pauses his music and stands; grabbing his bag of post-wolf form clothes. He trudges out of the room, handing his bag to the alpha of the pack as he steps outside. The rest of the pack that has matured enough to turn to their wolf forms has done so already. Stepping forward, Jay begins to turn. His tan skin turning to dark brown fur. The alpha, a man named Robby, began to assign the young to ride on wolves. Today, Jay - thankfully - wasn't assigned, he really didn't want to have to deal with an 8-year-old pulling at his fur and kicking his sides in excitement.

The pack began to run through the forest towards the river, Jay grinning mentally as he felt the wind run through his fur. Eventually, the pack reached a river, on the other side a group of wolves from the other pack stand, watching Jay's pack intensely. One by one, each wolf from Jay's pack hop over the river, squeals of joy came from the young. Once everyone was on the same side of the river, the wolves from the other pack began to lead the way. The run from the river to the other reserve took around 30 minutes, by the end of it, Jay was happy to turn back into his human form.

Morphing back into his human form, his bag was chucked at him by his alpha and Jay quickly threw on his clothes. He, along with the rest of the wolves his age, was led to a hang out zone of sorts. There were so many new scents that overwhelmed Jay. Some smelled like sweat, some like wet dog and some like raw meat. There were, however, two scents he was drawn to. They smelled sweet, like candy. Following the scents led him to two boys, holding hands and kissing each other. His heart started to race as he realised that these two boys were his mates.

He began to panic; he couldn't be mated to two people from a rival pack, he could be shunned because of that. His breathing sped up and his eyes darted around the room. Nobody seemed to be paying attention to him, thankfully, but he still couldn't help but feel extremely overwhelmed. Subconsciously, his hand went to his neck and began scratching. The fear that flooded his system caused him to rock back and forth on his heels.

Jay could vaguely hear the muffled voices of his fellow pack mates through the panicked ringing in his ears.

"Jay! Come meet everyone!", the sound of his best-friend and fellow pack-mate, Kate, took center stage in his hearing.

Jay shook his head to clear his thoughts before following his best-friend right on her heels. Giggles and murmured conversations surrounded him from all around the room as they walked down the narrow path, past his mates. Said boys looked up from their phones as Jay and Kate walked past them, smirks covering their faces as they shared a look. Jay took note of this and one thought filled his mind; "this will be interesting." 

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