🔷;; 𝐂𝐇. 𝟖 ↜𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘↝

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
((GUESS WHO'S BACK😈😈😈 if we made it too 200 reads I will make an new story. But don't worry. I will still also update this. And yes this story is continuned and this chapter is made for Shadow milk cookie. ))


💠 ;; as you weren't with prune juice cookie anymore. You repeat and repeat the words he said in your mind.. It's so fascinating. You kept on repeating and repeating it on your mind. It was stuck at your mind.. And you decided to walk to the rooftop. And sits at the edge of the roof. But.. You realized..

the wind was kinds strong.. And it literally covered your eyes with your bangs and you.. We're about to fall!! ...

IS THIS THE END OF YOUR LIFE!? But suddenly when you in the high building.


You shouted I guess the students your enemies and rivals dreams became true. Like they say you should die already and.. It seemed to happened.. You were and falling.. And you were about to hit the ground until..


I was trying to get some rest in the tree at the back of the school since we have slot of tests we did today.. Until I saw.. An plane? (( ✈)) An bird (( ⋛⋋(◐⊝◑)⋌⋚) )

Or is that an.. wait.. IS THAT SINCERELY Y/N !? My eyes got widen and my 0upiks shrunken as I saw y/n falling.. She was about to hit the ground I was about to stand up and catch her until..

Pure vanilla cookie catches her using he's powers. I.. Was just watching there.. I was supposed to do it.. Hit.. That b*tch pure vanilla get in the way.. I've already been in he's shadow... And I'm still in he's shadow.. Us beasts just got replaced with some lame ancients..

I felt angry as pure vanilla decided to ruin the moment.. I.. Wanted to attack him.. When I saw y/n thanking him he became an stupid f*ck1ng tsundere pouting.. I felt.. Why am I jealous?.. Why am I jealous of him? I hate y/n..but..She kept stealing the heart of mine for no reason at all..

I've became 1000% of jealousy coming inside through me.. I wanted to confront them but I tried not to embarrassed myself..

After pure vanilla and y/n was gone I kicked an huge pebble angrily. Why is that pure Vannilla cookie always in my way!? Why can't I just be like I can do whatever I needed to do! But he just gets randomly in my way..

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━


I was walking again in the hallways like I always walk through. And I was traumatized about that fall for life.. But I dint tell anyone so they wouldn't think of me as an attention seeker or I'm just trying to be noticable..

When I closed my locker I literally saw shadow milk as he scared the crap out of me.

"AGH! "

I felled and he.. Looked.. Jealous? Or am I being blind?

Shadow milk ::"oh someone gets scared again! "


Shadow milk::" and since did I care? "

Y/n ::"for the probably next 10 years. "

Shadow milk ::" I dint asked. "

Y/n ::"and i don't care if you dint asked I can control myself💅"

Shadow milk rolled he's eyes and pinned me against the locker.. I turned.. sinister red bro.. AM I PANSEXUAL TO ALL COOKIES OR SMTH?

shadow milk ::".. you know I hate you seeing with that "pure vanilla" cookie. "

Y/n ::"what?.. "

Shadow milk ::" you heard me. Dot PRETTEND you dint heard me darlin."


y/n ::"... " *turns more red*
"Did you say that on purpose-"

(Shadow milk was just acting like this because remember that last chapter that he saw you with prune juice? So yeah he's like this for life probably. Until you fall for him)

Shadow milk ::"I really hate the cookies near you.. "

Y/n ::"... Wh-why..? "

Shadow milk ::"none of your bussiness. "

He stopped pinning you against your locker as you sighed.

Y/n :: "gosh.. Your embarrassing. "

Shadow milk :: *rolled he's eyes*
"I'm only embarrassed for you~.. "

Y/n ::"just stop flirting! "

Shadow milk chuckled and giggled.

Shadow milk ::"oh silly-vanilly.. "


shadow milk laughed more. And give me an.. QUICK PECK KISS IN THE CHEEK!? I swear I wanna blew up to the rocket into the space.

Y/n ::" WHAT THE FLIP!? "

Shadow milk ::" sorry my mouth slipped~

Y/n ::" W H A.T 😀. "

shadow milk left you shocked and red.


((Goofy short ahh chapter sorry
(◞‸◟ㆀ) }

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