My Saviour

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Screams enacted all around, the night ablaze in orange as the flames consumed the small village, sot and dirt covered the now crumbling village houses. Elijah could not hear a single soul for miles as he roamed the now deserted village, his dark cloak hiding his features as he walked down the once lively street. 

Elijah didn't understand the actions of his brother. He finally got what he wanted, he completed the sacrifice transforming back to his hybrid form. The werewolf, the vampire, the Patrova doppelganger and the witch to release his curse, unleashed his inner beast. The Patrova doppelganger, Katharina Patrova, was the spitting image of his Tatia from his distant memory before his vampire transition. She was still an innocent soul, now sucked dry rotting in the grave he dug for her. His brother becoming a hybrid should be a happy celebration, him finally connecting with his true self, his true form. Now fully immortal, indestructible, a true alpha and king of the vampire race, yet he is sad and crueller than ever, massacring five towns, leaving no survivors.

'Thump thump' 

Elijah stopped in his tracks. This can't be possible. A weak heartbeat could be heard in the distance. Elijah turned on his heal to the sounds direction and using his vampire speed, raced to the sound of the possible survivor. 

Elijah stopped behind a wooden wall, his back pressed against it as he hid in the shadows watching the scene as it unfolded before his eyes. 

 He could see a young woman with blonde hair lying on the floor; She was wearing a green dress of noble attire she was covered in lots of blood and dirt, deep fang marks protruding from her neck. At first Elijah thought that the women was one still alive until a small form moved from under the women's arms. It was a small child, only what looked like seven years old, she had blonde hair similar to what would be thought as her mother and was wearing a white dress that flowed down to her ankles and she was barefoot, all over her form she was covered in sot and dirt. Her eyes were sad as they lay upon her mother's unmoving form, her eyes were blue as a summer sky but were filled with confusion as she shook her mothers shoulders. 

"Mommy, mommy wake up." she said as tears began to form in her eyes. 

"Mommy, why won't you wake up?" 

Elijah looked at the scene before him and felt his chest fill with guilt and sorrow. Elijah knew that the mother would certainly not wake and hold her precious daughter again. He knew the child would not leave her mother's side and die of starvation in the next few days a week at most. He weighed the options in his thoughts before confirming his decision and started to slowly walk towards the small girl, trying hard to not scare her way. 

Elijah slowly made it in front of the small girl, crouching down slowly, signalling his presence and tried to look like he meant no harm and wasn't a threat. He was like this for a while before the child's eyes slowly made their way up to him; at first she was shocked that quickly turned into a terror. She let out a small whelp and tried to hide herself in her mother's arms, covering herself in more of her mother's blood. 

"Shh." Elijah said trying to calm the frightened girl and show that there was nothing to be afraid of. "It's ok, I'm here to help you" 

The little girl looked up from her mother's limp arm and looked up at him. She was covered in blood and sot, tears mixed in with the dirt on her cheeks. She slowly stood up from her mother's body and ran towards him, tears streaming down her face still. She ran into Elijah's arms and he quickly embraced her into a hug. She seemed so fragile and would easily break at any moment. 

"My mommy, why won't she wake up?" she said looking up at him, her eyes pure sadness.Elijah was lost for words as he looked down into her blue eyes. He pulled her small head softly back into his warm chest as she became more overwhelmed.

As the small form in his arms began to grow limp, he looked down to see she had fallen asleep in his arms, a peaceful expression formed on her face as she lost herself in her dreams. He slowly began to rise with her still in his arms, carrying her small form against his chest. He quickly looked to see if she had been bitten or had gotten any serious injuries during the mass murder his brother had committed but only found a few small cuts on her arms and legs, he could heal those easily later. 

He began to walk towards his near by carriage waiting for him, he knew just where she could be kept safe and while hidden until she grew up into a fine woman.

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