Status of the characters

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SCP 173:

Status: Alive and not infected.
Age: 25
Gender: Male.
Height: 5 foot and 10 inches.
Secondary name: Peanut
Sanity: 67%

He's worried for his friend (Lanky) but can't touch him because he'll also get infected. He even made a promise to himself that he would keep living for Lanky if he dies from this horrible sickness.

SCP 049:

Status: Alive and not infected.
Age: 29.
Gender: Male.
Height: 6 foot and 2 inches.
Secondary name: Doc.
Sanity: 76%

He's been frantically searching for a cure for this disease but hasn't found it yet. He needs to find it soon or Lanky might die from the disease, and his guilt and sorrow would dissolve him because he sees Lanky like a son.

SCP 106:

Status: Alive and not infected.
Age: 26.
Gender: Male.
Height: 5 foot and 10 inches.
Secondary name: Lawrence (or Larry for short).
Sanity: 77%

He's also been worried (obviously) and has been gathering resources for the group and to make the cure with Doc.

SCP 096:

Status: Alive but infected.
Age: 26.
Gender: Male.
Height: 7 foot and 8 inches.
Secondary name: Lanky.
Sanity: 63%

He's been isolating himself in his room because if someone does something as little as touching one of the thorns on the vines that wrap around his body, they will also get infected and probably die.

SCP 035:

Status: Alive and not infected.
Age: 29.
Height: 5 foot and 11 inches tall.
Secondary name: Mask.
Sanity: 87%

He's been trying to help Doc find a cure for Lanky, because neither of them want to lose him. Unfortunately, neither of them have gotten much luck.

How the virus came to be.

One day, Lanky went out to go out for something and eventually stumbled upon a meadow. But this one was cursed. Every step he took made the meadow turn darker and more petrifying by the second, eventually making it pitch dark. But a blue light shined in his sight as started walking towards it, seeing a glowing blue rose.

Lanky was intrigued and mesmerised by the flower that he felt like taking it home, but he knew it would probably die quickly there if the cursed meadow was it's natural habitat, so he just gently pat the flowers bloomed head and sat down in front of it, admiring to flower. Lanky then gently stroked the flowers stem, accidentally pricking his hand of one of the thorns. That was when Lanky decided that he spent enough time outside and went back home but he kept feeling this tingling in his eye socket.

When he got home and entered his room, he felt a sharp pain coming from his left eye followed by freezing blood falling down from the socket. He then ran over to he large mirror in his room and saw a flower had bloomed from his eye. He was shocked to say the least.

That was when he found out he had contracted the Petal Disease and ever since then has been staying in his room and isolating himself from the others because he's putting himself in this torture chamber of a mindset that if he ends up infecting anyone, it would be his fault and they would die. He didn't even care if he himself died, he just cared about the others.

How you can get infected.

Going to the same meadow and pricking your finger on the flowers thorns.
Touching the person who's infected (petals are safe though, it's just mainly the thorns).
Touching an infected corpse.
Ingesting the infection through your mouth. That can be done by saliva from an infected getting into your mouth, eating leftovers of an infected, making out with an infected person, or the infected bites you (and vice versa).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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