Snow and Winter

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As a quick warning, I've just come back from my holidays in the Snowy Mountains (yay!), and gotten my fair share of bruises, bumps, heart attacks and face plants. So this chapter shall be devoted to the annoying (and rather embarassing things) about my was still a good trip though ^.^

- When kids half your size - I mean it, legit about a metre tall, go skiing past you with ease looking all cute and warm while I try to keep myself from falling down the slope.

- Ski boots are so painful and hard to walk in - for those who have worn them, you'll know what I mean. For those who haven't, imagine a really, really, really, bulky boot, coated in plastic and clipped tightly to your feet, and the soles are flat, so everytime you walk, you look like you're swaggering around.

- Those 'oh so wonderful' ski boots clank around as soon as you set foot on a metal staircase. I'm pretty sure the other people walking behind me think that I just dropped a load of cutlery down a pipe.

- When you crash into a ski instructor (because you're so great at skiing), and I could swear their thought pattern goes like:

- oh, it's another crap skier.

- nevermind, I'll just stop and pick them up (like I'm even capable of falling over)

*picks up unfortunate person and sets them down on the snow again*

"Here, make sure you could your knees bent and try to make slow arcs across the slope."

*continues skiing down the hill with the line of kids half your size following him down the slope*

Yes, I'm pretty sure those ski instructors have at least 20 people crashing into them a day, and they don't even bat an eyelash (let alone fall over). What a world.

- When you feel thirsty, but are standing at the top of a mountain and then someone reminds you that you are skiing over a land of frozen water. Because of course I'm going to start licking at the snow and ice that countless people have gone over and possibly contaminated with a load of bacteria.

*disclaimer: Yes, I still eat snow sometimes, but always only about a pinch or so, which is hardly enough to keep the thirst away.

- When you're struggling to get down the slope without skidding everywhere (and crashing into another ski instructor), and some random person flies along, skiing like a pro, singing at the top of their lungs.

- When a little kid on skis gets tangled in your legs (because they weren't looking where they were going) and you fall over and accidentally squash them, and people look at you like it's your fault

Just a short rant to tell you all about the little annoying things about my holiday ^.^ It was still a good holiday, minus all that stuff so, yeah <3

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