𝟎𝟓 | 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖕 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖔𝖜

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HAPPY LOOKED DOWN at his work with satisfaction, sweat pouring down his face as he stood there in his white tank

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HAPPY LOOKED DOWN at his work with satisfaction, sweat pouring down his face as he stood there in his white tank. He hadn't taken so much time to inflict pain and torture someone in forever. Club business was going well at the moment, there were hardly any problems where his special services were neededᅳ all the more he enjoyed taking out his pent-up tension on the man who had laid hands on his mother. Too bad Happy didn't have his own tools at hand. But they were in his house in Charming, which meant Mike was one lucky fucker.

But, he had to get creative in other ways and had searched the small motel room for anything that would be useful for inflicting pain on someone. However, that wasn't much. Happy could've broken the already old mirror in the bathroom with a few cracks in the glass, but that would've been too boringᅳ he could've just used his own knife, which was just as sharp.

And that's what he had done. His gaze slowly slid over the individual, deep cuts that were spread across Mikael's upper body. Some deeper, some just on the surface. Blood oozed from several wounds and ran down his stomach, soaking his jeans with the red liquid. Salt and mouthwash stood on the counter in the small kitchenette, next to the chair on which Mikael was tied to.

Since Happy didn't have anything with him, he simply took belts from Mikael's suitcase and tied his legs to the wooden legs of the chair. His hands were tied behind his back with a tie, which Happy was still surprised to have found in Mikael stuff.

At the moment the older man was unresponsive, the pain Happy had caused him had become too extreme. Mikael had been able to cope with the cuts, and he had also endured the mouthwash and the salt in the wounds for quite a while with gritted teethᅳ but when Happy poured boiling hot water from the old, filthy kettle over his legs, first one and then slowly agonizing over the second, Mikael's body had given up.

However, Happy thought that Mikael had had enough of a break and filled the kettle with water again. While the water was heating up, Happy circled the man slowly and with long strides until he stood behind him and reached for the mouthwash, which he slowly poured into the open wounds.

Even before Mikael opened his eyes, his body was tremblingᅳ it looked like he was a fish on land, or as if he had been electrified. With a dry, throaty pant, the older man opened his eyes, panic immediately rising inside him as he realized that all of this hadn't been a bad dream but really happened.

"What..what else do you want..from me?", he asked with a bone-dry throat, barely able to say a word. "You got your revenge for your mom..I told you..I'm sorry..", he panted as he tried to rub his wrist freeᅳ without success.

"Nah, I should actually kill you for that", the Killer replied calmly, which made him sound even more menacing. "But I can't do thatᅳ because I promised Tessa something. And I keep my promises."

When the kettle made a clicking sound and signaled Happy that the water was now hot enough, a sinister grin formed on his lips as he surrounded Mikael again and sat down the mouthwash only to reach for the kettle a moment later.

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