Chapter Nineteen

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"Yu Jin" I called out for her and when she turned around, I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to one of the classrooms. "J-Jake" I locked the door and turned to her.

"When did it start?" She looked confused on what I was talking about so I mentioned his name. "Ki Hyun" Her eyes widened and looked away making me even more frustrated.

"WHEN DID IT START AN YU JIN." "E-Ever s-since w-we were d-dating..." I griped onto the chair and ran my hand through my hair starting to be aggressive. "And why didn't you tell me?" "Y-You hate me Ja-" "THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!" "That's a crime Yu Jin! A sexual assault crime even though he didn't touch you! He takes pictures of you inappropriately!" "I-"

"You're staying with me until he gets arrested." "What? But he's just taking pictures-" "HE'S PROBABLY SELLING THOSE PICTURES TO OTHE CREEPY PEOPLE! WHAT IF HE'S POSTING IT ONLINE?!" She was at lost of words realizing that this is actually a dangerous crime. "I'll stay with you...and I'm sorry that I was handling this like it isn't something bad and dangerous..."

I ignored her and dragged her to my car driving her back to her house and staying with her until she's done packing all her clothes. After she's done packing, I checked up on her. "Is all your draws empty?" She nodded at my answer and I asked her another question. "Is there anything else that you need? We're rarely going back here again until he's in prison." "I have my precious things with me. I emptied everything out. I'm bringing everything single thing I bought. I barely have anything in this home anyways since I just moved out." "Everything needs to be brought with, this house needs to look like no traces of people living here." "I already have everything." I nodded and looked at the boxes that she had. I started bringing them down to my car and drove her to my house.

"Why are you helping me? I thought you hate me..." I ignored her and kept driving. Why am I helping her? She betrayed me and broke up with me. But...that's no reason to not help someone who's being stalked with....

To be continued...

(Book 2)Sim Jake & An Yu Jin "I kissed him..."Where stories live. Discover now