Chapter 1

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Nam Ji-ah just started the new school and someone who looks familiar aproches her and asks in a familiar voice:
- Hi you know you are very beautiful right so just saying that you could be a great model some day. (Familiar boy)

- Oh hello there! But I don't think I can be a model because I am very clumsy sorry but the girl over there looks like she could be a great model some day you can go talk to her. (Nam Ji-ah)
- in mind: he was so hitting on me no way he calls this rizz wow. He even went back to his friends! I was just a bet.

During lunch

Nam Ji-ah was just eating, no thinking more than eating.

In mind: here he comes again! :(
- hello there beautiful he says with a smirk on his face.
- hello there what do you want? She asks.
- Woah! chill there girl I don't even know your name.
- well if you need to know so bad then it's Nam Ji-ah to you.
- wow so it is you the transfer student that is my brother s girlfriend he was getting so mad when went talked to you. You need to know that you'll be mine sooner or later.
- What do you mean by that?
- bye babe
- ew my would never let me have a boyfriend by the way who is your brother?
- his name is Kang Eun Woo
-Why are you screaming? Is he your boyfriend?
- Gulp. No he is an old friend who I rejected.
Tension is in the air!!

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