New People in Town

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 It was a sunny day today, the sun was shining down on the town. The flowers blow through the cool wind, the birds sing through the day. Jessica was setting up the stage at her family's bar called "Tunes of Drinks" She was setting up the microphone for her singing tonight. 

Her blue sparkling dress was shining in the stage light, her white fur boa sat on her shoulders. Jessica's blue eyes look like they were from a piece of jewelry from a queen. Her skin was half dark gray like metal off of a gothic car, the other half of her body was white as snow. 

Short hair moved softly as she set up the stage. The female singer's hair was half black and white like if her hair was a panda. Freckles cover her face and shoulders, a mole on her right side of her mouth sat. Black high heels hit the wooden floor of the stage.

 "Jessica! Is the stage ready?" asked Rick as he sat up some shot glasses on a small plate. 

"Yep" replied Jessica as she hopped off the stage and walked over to her older brother.

Rick is one of her older brothers. He had long hair that was put up in a man bun, the top part of his hair was white while the bottom was black. Rick's face was covered in freckles like if birds have drop seeds on fresh snow in the winter. He has a small rose red nose, it reminds Jessica of a clown when the circus was in town when she was a kid.

 "Good. Oh! Did you hear we are getting some new people in town?" asked Rick as he smiled at his little sister.

 "No?" replied Jessica as she sat down on a stool at the bar.

"Well, it is a famous band called Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. I never heard any of their music, maybe we could see if they would like to sing for our bar while staying here." replied the snow white skin male as he smiled wide. 

"Maybe" replied his little sister with a soft smile on her face. "Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem? Hmm, never heard of them" Jessica thought as she sat at the bar.

 "Got the stage set up?" asked Randy as he came in with a box filled with wine and beer.

Randy is Rick's twin brother and Jessica's other older brother. His skin was dark as coal like Jessica's right half of her body. He had long white hair that stays in a man bun like Rick's. His pointy nose was holding up his glasses. 

 "Yep" replied Jessica with a soft smile on her face. 

"Good" replied Randy as he set the box down on a stool. 

"Did you hear about the famous band that is coming here?" asked Jessica as she fixed her fur boa on her shoulders.

"The Electric Mayhem? Yeah, I know. Father asked them if they could sing here and they said yes. I don't understand their music, and also their fashion sense makes me want to puke. They look like hippies" replied Randy as he walked out the room. 

"Randy never has happiness in his heart or if he even has a heart" groans Rick. 

"They are singing here? Wow, I would like to meet them" replied the short haired female. 

"You would love them! They are nice people" replied Rick as he ruffled his little sister's hair. 

"Hey! Quick that!" chuckle Jessica with a smile on her face. 

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