Chapter 8: Countdown to Clarity

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The class bustled with murmurs and students settling into their seats, another teacher entered the room, catching everyone's attention.

Teacher: "Good morning, everyone. I have an announcement to make. Your literature teacher is absent today, so he has asked you all to utilize this time wisely and work on your assignments."

The announcement was met with a mixture of reactions from the students, some groaning at the prospect of additional work while others seemed relieved to have a break from the usual routine.

Kabir leaned in slightly closer to me, a faint smile playing on his lips as he whispered, "Well, looks like we have the classroom all to ourselves today. No teacher to interrupt us."

His voice carried a light-hearted tone, but it was enough to make my heart skip slightly. I wasn't used to being the center of such remarks, especially from him, whose attention was increasingly unsettling yet pleasant. "Yeah, as he's absent, we should focus more on our project." I said and shifted my focus to the textbooks.

I could feel Kabir notice the subtle change in my demeanor, I don't know what he thought but he smiled to himself. Our brief exchange hung in the air, both silently acknowledging the tension between us.

We delved into the assignment, Kabir looking at me time to time while I worked on finding things which will help us in our assignment, but my stomach fluttering, aware of his scrutiny.

Feeling his eyes on me, I gently shifted in my seat. "Kabir, is there something on my face?" I asked, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies in my stomach.

Kabir shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. "No, nothing like that," he replied softly. "I was just thinking about our project."

I could feel my cheeks flushed slightly at his response, feeling a strange warmth spreading inside me. "Oh, okay," was the only thing I could say, turning my attention back to the work.

Kabir: " I have sent you friend request, you haven't accepted it"

Kabir's casual remark caught me off guard, and I paused my work and glancing up at him in surprise. "Friend request?" I said, furrowing my brows slightly, I tried to recall as if I forgot . "Oh, right. I must have missed it. I'll check it later." I told him returning my attention to the assignment.

After sometime I glanced up from my book, and saw him looking at me already. For a moment I forgot what I was going to say, but then told him, "You know what, Kabir? I think we should head to the library to work on this. It'll be quieter, and we can find more resources there."

In return he just nodded a smile playing on his lips, "Let's gather everything and head there" he said, already packing up his belongings.

We gathered our materials and headed towards the library, as we entered their, I started carefully searching the shelves, fingers trailing along the spines of the books as I searched for relevant literature. "You seem to be finding some interesting reads," Kabir remarked. I glanced back at him with a smile. "Yeah, there's a lot of material here that could help us with our project. We just need to pick the right ones," I said, my eyes still scanning the titles.

He then asked, " Ishani, have you ever been in a relationship?" Kabir's question wa so sudden that I momentarily paused my search for books. I turned towards him, "How is this question related to anything that we are doing right now?"

With a smile he said, "It is Ishani, we are working together on a assignment and it's theme is love".

"Uh, well I have never been in a relationship" I said, without looking at him. " And what about you?" I asked, But then said "why am I asking you everyone know's about Kabir roy's relationship status" And laughed slightly.

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