Random Sketches

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Hi.. How you doin? got my Diary back and then.. will lose it again tomorrow cause' y'know.. My Teacher needs to check it AGAIN even though its full of Sketches instead of my Daily Life.. But ehh.. I prefer sketching than Writing my whole Day 

But Anyways! First up is this.. F*ckin Cursive that ruined my whole mind and Wanna know something?.. My Fingers ARE TURNING RED WITH A HINT OF PURPLE DUE TO IT.. AND ITS IN MY RIGHT HAND TOO... I have no F*ckin idea but Am lucky my Adviser made it into a Homework for me.. Like No I don't do Cursive n' all.. PLUS IT NEEDS TO BE PERFECT TOO...

Such a Waste of Pink Paper

Such a Waste of Pink Paper

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Like.. I used a Whole PINK PAPER PAD.. LITERALLY.. ITS GONE.. DUE TO THIS SH*T.. And Yez.. Once again I ain't the kind of Person who knows how to cursive much 👍

But Anyways.. Into the Sketches..

First up! We have.. Franzi's Husba- I mean.. Lyxno in his Beautiful Bride Dress 😭👍

 Lyxno in his Beautiful Bride Dress 😭👍

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Didn't do the Gown version yet But hey.. Its Lyxno!~.. Plus.. Working on the Design of the Gown and finalized it 👍

Next up!~.. Is another Lyxno but Head version only!~

 Is another Lyxno but Head version only!~

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The Head may seem off but.. I made his FACE.. And Yez.. My Babes here has a Rose with a slight Golden color on it~.. But its Black- I mean Grey or Gray version cause' I used Pencil.. Y'know me.. I don't color my Characters So.. they're just White n' Gray.. I forgot his Tongue though-- But We'll ignore that 😭

Next!~ Illusion and Origin Starrius.. 

They may seem weird cause' again

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They may seem weird cause' again.. I haven't drawn anything on Sketch due to my Diary being gone for almost like.. a Week now?.. Soo Yea am tryna regain my old drawing style.. But Yet again.. I got lazy drawing their Eyes..

Anyways!~ That's all for now~!.. We're close to 900 Reads already.. So am thinking if I should do a Special on it.. I mean-.. I could go back to Ibis Paint cause' like I said I was preparing something but am missing.. One Person.. So yea Thanks for the support, Even if we reach 900 or 1k at this point.. Am proud I made this account 👍


Sketches and Random Moments!~ :DWhere stories live. Discover now