*In Alphabetical Order
Een: one
Foute (f-oh-t-eh): Mistakes
Laaste: Last
Meisie (may-see): Girl
Miere (me-reh?): Ants
Niks (nicks): Nothing
Tannie (tongue-ee): Aunt
The Tin Shack
Ficción GeneralA South African girl has to come up with a way to provide herself with little pay, no family, and rations of food that she has to make a small stand in this world and not collapse in death. Hopefully this moving story will give us thoughts about oth...
*In Alphabetical Order
Een: one
Foute (f-oh-t-eh): Mistakes
Laaste: Last
Meisie (may-see): Girl
Miere (me-reh?): Ants
Niks (nicks): Nothing
Tannie (tongue-ee): Aunt