𝒐𝒏𝒆, the case of baby fever

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the south side of pentagram city has a reputation for being far from sunshine and rainbows. thriving amongst the chaos, it provided an ideal hunting ground for any power-hungry overlord looking to prey on the vulnerable and strike a deal for their souls. despite being a creature of immense power, even alastor could not resist the allure of such a place, and thus, he agreed to accompany on this pointless errand. there were always opportunities, and he was more than willing to test his wits in this dark and dangerous corner of the city.

blaring sirens pierced the air from every direction, adding to the already deafening noise of the barbarous streets. deep shades of maroon stained the paved ground, flowing like a river as if the essence of life was draining from the back alleys.

lucifer and alastor roamed through the lawless city streets, two sinful beings entrusted with a task by the princess of hell herself. oblivious to the unwanted demon who would be escorting him, the king gladly agreed to carry out an errand for his beloved daughter, only to then be closely monitored by the one soul he wanted to avoid. his shadow remained five steps behind at all times, following like an annoying mutt who refused to leave his side. it was getting on his nerves.

since they departed from the happy hotel, the two have been bickering nonstop. they rarely saw eye to eye on much, except for their blossoming hatred for the other.

as they wandered through this foreign land, they blatantly ignored all the bloodshed and hostility taking place around them. even as the sole ruler of hell, lucifer never took pride in the city he built from the ground up; he found this all distasteful.

amidst their endless fighting, lucifer blurted out, "by all means, go back. i don't know if you've noticed, but no one is forcing you to follow me." the king hissed with a thin venom lacing his words. the battle seemed to go on forever. no matter what he had to say, alastor would always know just how to rebuttal to get his blood boiling.

the demon cackled, his voice echoing through the eerie streets. "aha, on the contrary, charlie sent me to make sure you don't land yourself in another sticky situation," alastor hummed, his tone amused. "we don't want a repeat of what happened last time, do we?" although they hadn't even reached the halfway point to their final destination, alastor's voice was already beginning to irritate him.

"hey bastard, that was a one-time thing." the king stated, "besides, i've already learned my lesson." instead of agreeing, alastor only hummed a soft teasing note. "are you sure about that?" he asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and mockery.

lucifer had enough of the demon's teasing. he came to an abrupt halt, stopping tracks and causing the other to almost bump into him. the king was tired of hearing it. he spun around to confront the demon who wore the same mocking grin plastered on his upturned lips.

"listen here, asshole." the king growled, "if you want to tag along, by all means, be my guest, but i'm not going to put up with your shit the whole way. so, if you would be so kind as to-"

suddenly, a piercing and almost blood-curdling outcry filled the air, causing both him and alastor to turn their heads towards the dimly lit alley beside them. the deer's heightened senses picked up on the high-pitched shrieks, sending shivers down his spine.

although the source of the noise was unknown, he had no desire to stick around and find out what caused them. it was best to leave before things got messy.

"uh, do you think we should check it out?" lucifer asked. the way he spoke made it sound like a question. alastor, however, was quick to deny the suggestion.

"ha, no," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand, "only a moron would head toward such an obvious-" before he could finish his sentence, the king had already taken off, sprinting down the damp and narrow alleyway. with a sigh, the demon soon realized he had no choice but to follow suit.

𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐆𝐆𝐋𝐄𝐒, radioapple Where stories live. Discover now