Chapter 10 - The Philosopher's Stone

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It was summer now, we had forgotten about Nicholas Flammel and were focused on studying for the upcoming load of tests to see what we've learnt this year. We were in the library, I was helping Harry and Ron with potions as it was their worst subject, Hermione had gone to collect a book from somewhere. When she comes back she slams a massive book in front of us. "How could I be so stupid, I checked this book out weeks ago for a bit of light reading," she says, flicking through the pages. "This is light?" Ron asks, confused. Hermione glares at him, before flicking to a page and turning it to us. "Of course, here it is. Nicholas Flammel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone," she says. "The what," Harry and Ron say at the same time. "Honestly don't you two read?" Hermione asks sassily. "They've been focusing on stuff that's relevant to school as of recently Hermione, lay off them a bit," I say to the girl, furrowing my eyebrows a bit. She rolls her eyes and explains, "the Philosopher's stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It'll transform any metal into pure gold, and produces the elixir of life which will make the drinker immortal." "Immortal?"Ron says, shocked. "It means you'll never die," Hermione explains, assuming he doesn't know the meaning. "I know what it means," Ron snaps back. Harry shushes the two, we're still in a library after all. "The only stone ,currently in existence, belongs to Mr Nicholas Flammel, who last year celebrated his 665th birthday," Hermione continues. Harry and Ron share shocked looks. "Death may be something I'm afraid of but I wouldn't want to live that long," I say. Everyone nods their heads, agreeing with me. "That's what Fluffy's guarding on the 3rd floor, that's what's under the trap door. The Philosopher's stone," Hermione finishes. I nod my head agreeing with her. "I'm gonna go to bed, I suggest you get some shut eye as well. Need to be up and ready for class, the tests start soon," I say, packing up my books and leaving the library.


Harry shakes my shoulders, waking me up, I look at the clock on my bedside table seeing its nearly one in the morning. "Harry what the hell?" I grumble, still tired. "I need to speak with you in the common room," Harry says, pulling me out of bed. I sigh and follow him.

Harry explains what he saw in the woods, believing it to be You-Know-Who. "Wait, why were you in the forbidden forest?" I ask confused. "We may or may not have gone to Hagrid's after curfew, and Draco may have snitched on us," Harry says, playing with his fingers. I sigh in annoyance, "you got detention didn't you?" I ask, shaking my head. All three nod, Hermione does this bashfully. "But that's not the point, Snape doesn't want the stone for himself, he wants it for Voldemort," Harry says quickly. "You mean You-Know-Who's out there in the forest, right now?" Hermione says. "With the elixir of life he'll be strong again, Voldemort can come back again," Harry says worriedly. "Harry we don't know if Snape wants the stone, we know someone is but we don't know who," I say gently. "I believe what you saw in the woods may be associated with Voldemort though," I say. Harry nods his head. "But if he comes back, you don't think he'll try to kill you both, do you?" Ron asks, concerned. "He didn't kill us the first time he tried, he'll want to at least try again," I say seriously. "If he could I think he'd have tried tonight," Harry adds, sitting by me. I grab his hand and squeeze, he squeezes back. "And to think, I've been worrying about my potions final," Ron says, unintentionally lightening the mood a bit. A small smile adorns my face, "you'll pass, I know you two will. Hermione and I will help every step of the way," I say, looking at the two boys. "We're missing one thing though, who's the one wizard Voldemort feared. Dumbledore, so long as he's here we're safe, so long as he's here you can't be touched," Hermione says, creating a sense of security in us. We retreat back to our rooms for tonight, needing sleep so that we can study properly later in the day.

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