That was unexpected...

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Georgie, Liz, Becca and Me were going to a Rolling Stones Concert. We were so excited. 

"Look, There's Mick!" said Liz as we got past the security guards. We had backstage passes and were more excited than ever. "And Ronnie!" Becca squeled. She liked Ronnie alot. We were their age, so she was hoping to chat him up. Georgie fancied the drummer, Charlie, and Liz, well, let's say she had a soft spot for Keith. I loved Mick to bits, and was really nervous to meet him. 

"Hi Girls." Mick said "You must be Georgina, Elizabeth, Rebecca and Kara, right?" He knew our names! 

"I'm Kara." I said quietly "This is Georgie." I pointed to Georgie. "and Becca" I pointed to her "And Liz" finally pointing to Liz. 

"Well, It's lovely to meet you all. Really, normally we don't meet people our own age. And if we do, they're never as beautiful as you girls. You are the hottest birds I've ever seen." Mick said, a wide smile plastering his face. We giggled as Keith snuck up behind Mick, and scared the shit out of him. Ronnie and Charlie strolled over and smiled "Hey." they said in unison. They immedietley burst out laughing. "Wow, that was creepy. We're never in sync unless we're on stage rocking out." Charlie commented. 

"Hmm. I've got an Idea." Mick Interjected into the eerie silence. "On the count of three, All of you girls say which one of us you fancy the most. 3...2...1.."





"Wow. You each fancy a different stone." Mick walked closer to me. "That's incredible. We're used to girls all shouting MICK! at the same time." He stepped closer to me. "We're all single. You?" we nodded. Mick leaned forwards and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and kissed his cheek back. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. Ronnie went over to Becca and immedietly started flirting. and Keith and Liz, well, they immedielty started snogging. Georgie and Charlie just chatted. 

"So, Kara." Mick started. "Mick." before I could say anything else, Mick had picked me up and kissed me. We started to head to his dressing room. We arrived, Mick put me down and unlocked the door. He walked in and urged me to follow. I wandered in, taking in my surroundings. I sat down on the sofa, next to Mick. He put his arm over my shoulder and said "Look, I know this might be a bit weird. I've never met a fan who is so calm around me. That's why I like you, you're so calm. Actually, I love you." He kissed me. "Mick." I started "I Love you. But are you sure you won't meet another fan tomorrow, and fall madly in love with them?"

"I'm sure I won't. I could never fall in love with anyone else but you." He kissed me again. I started to realise he was telling the truth. I deepened the kiss, My lips sinking into his. I felt him smile. We pulled away and said to eachother "I can see this relationship lasting a long time."  He looked at the clock and got up. "Nearly showtime. You can watch from the wings if you want."

"I'd love that." We walked to the stage, hand in hand. I couldn't believe it. I was going out with Mick Jagger. Mick Fucking Jagger!

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