My Online Best Friend

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'Dearest, The Cold Winter/LC.
School once again was boring, wish I was in the same school as you.
Nobody seems to like me at all.
Don't know if I could stay here any longer..'
— V —

'nooooooo wat? ur like super kewl, if any1 try to buly you i'll punch em in the face like peow!
could not relate toe. living ma best life.... wish i culd C u! mayB one day tooeeee!!!!! :D'
— LC —

'You must be half-asleep, go to bed.'
— V —

'nooooo i cant its like i wanna watch tv but have 2 get up 4 sklll... will listen 2 u tho..... i wanna text yu more but nrver have time coz of skl.......'
— LC —

'I want to, too. But I have to study, alot.'
— V —

'whhhhhhy???? i like never studie. super boring haaha!!
— LC —

'I've grown to like it, my parents forced me to study when I was younger, so now I can't bring myself to hate it because it's what I'm used to.'
— V —

'awee.. my grades kinda bad.. wish my parents did that but if they did wuld be like super bumed out! missing sm.... i yawned.. that made me sleepy, not that ur boring ! i wanna hear more! like a bedtime storie!'
— LC —

'Oh? I thought that was pretty boring, well um,
When I was younger I fell on my face with my tounge out and saw a ladybug, since my tounge was out it managed to get inside my mouth..
My tounge was stained with a red sweet so after I got the ladybug off my tounge, I locked myself in my room because I thought I had killed it, I refused to sleep for about a week.'
— V —

'hahahahaha!! awe poor laddgxbxhch..,,?,(::))'
— LC —

'Hello? LC? Did you fall asleep?'
— V —

'Good.. It makes me feel better you managed to fall asleep, now I can sleep in peace.
Thank you.'
— V —

"Vivianna? Come on, wake up for school!"
Vivi's mum shouted outside her door, Vivi woke up and sat straight, contemplating life as she had only gotten 5 hours of sleep, but it made her feel significantly better that LC had did the same with her, it gave her a sense of comfort in a way.

The school day was somewhat barely different than usual to Vivi,
but for LC, it couldn't get any better.


"Lacey Marie! I will not tell you again, take that gum out of your mouth for gods sake!"
The teacher shouted at Lacey, who was sitting at the back of the room, somehow.

She walked up and grabbed a paper tower, pretending to spit out her gum into the paper, but while walking back, went back to chewing vigorously behind the teacher's back.

"What flavour?" Her friend raised her eyebrows while putting her hand out.

"What flavour?
Fuck, I've got every single one, pick."
Lacey laughed, sitting back into her chair touching her icy blonde hair that was put up into a ponytail as her friends swarmed the bag full of gum like ants.

"Ummm.. excuse me?" A short, fragile-looking girl entered the classroom, though not new, it was easy to tell she wasn't popular.

Her eyes were dark green, similar to the colour of trees in a dark forest,
her brunette (with blonde highlights) hair was put down and around waist-length, some of it was put back but her lucious wavy hair sat delicately.
Her skin was tanned and looked soft to the touch, although her fashion sense —
to Lacey, was horrible.

"You can sit back there, next to Lacey.
Gigi, sit at one of the empty seats at the front, was planning to move you anyway." The teacher clicked her tounge at the chatty pair and went back to what she was saying, Lacey couldn't understand a word she was saying, it was like it went into one ear and out the other.
Lacey's weakness was english.
Even though it was her first language, and nobody could understand why she was so bad at it, she still failed miserably at spelling even the most easiest words.

"Could I copy off you? Lacey's voice didn't sound nervous or shakey at all, even though she was talking to someone who always had a poker face on.

The girl, Vivi, turned her head a little bit, as she noticed the girl who had just asked a question was directed to her, she didn't know how to respond. Her throat was dry and itchy, so she lacked the confidence to try and answer.
The two made awkward eye contact for a couple seconds while Vivi tried to clear her throat.

"....Yes." Vivi had a straight look on her face, almost worried,
it scared Lacey, even if it was in the slightest,
and Lacey wasn't one to get scared.

To Lacey, she thought the girl was giving her a dirty look, and, out of pity just let her copy.

Lacey was self-concious, deep down.
She didn't know it, not one bit, because she loved people, for some reason, even when they were horrible to her for absolutely no reason.

And she couldn't lie, sometimes she would disrespect teachers and other students unknowingly, but deep down she meant good.

The bell rang suddenly, blasting throughout the class,
Vivi had never once of been so happy to be out of school, excluding the parts where she was happy to get out because she had nobody to talk to in school.

It wasn't like Vivi didn't like the girl, actually it was the complete opposite.
She felt like she lacked the social skill to interact with her, and to top it off she was overwhelmingly pretty, with her black jacket coat on and short skirt, revealing her pale legs that were pretty long, and it made sense since she was tall.

Vivi didn't know how that was allowed, since all she would wear was the most baggiest leggings you could ever find and a hoodie, if it was really warm, maybe, empasis on the maybe, she would wear a t-shirt.


'deerest, my warm summer/V, skl was nothing diferent, yet i still had fun. hope ur doing alright in skl :) also, im going out 2 shop and wont get back till 9pm so, coud you tell me a couple rhings thtat happened 2day at ur skl so i can red them before i go 2 bed? thanks :D'
— LC —

'You need to fix your spelling, I always tell you this.. Also I don't know why you like my stories so much but, I like reading them to you to so..

There was this girl in my english class..
She was very pretty, like, if winter was a person it would look like that. She also reminded me of you.. Maybe that's the reason why I don't hate her. She had very icy blue eyes that shone and stood out throughout the room, where as I'm just basic.
I want to be friends with her but um..
I'm just very nervous about it.

I also almost tripped in school, infront of everyone in assembly and I couldn't be more embarrassed. I don't think I can go to school tomorrow...'
— V —

'am back v.. just reading your stories and i loved them.. :) already mise you so much..
the same ting happened with me aswel! saw this girl who, like you said looked like if summer the seasun was a person... she was super cute!
but yah im going to sleep for now, but i'll see you in the mornig okay? good night :))))'
— LC —

'Good night, LC.'
— V —


dont question the dearest the cold winter and warm summer...
it'll make sense in a few chapters but nbdys gonna read this anyway so!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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