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Kavari's car was the same. Jaylen felt nostalgia while sitting in the passenger seat. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be sad or relieved that Kavari's car didn't change. It was just nostalgic.

Kavari's car smelt clean, it no longer had a lingering smell of weed like it used to. It simply smelled like red roses and pine. Roses and pine. A smell Jaylen could get used to.

"You like UCLA?" Kavari asked, his radio wasn't on, and the silence was eating away at him. You'd think after all these years, they'd be talking up a storm. Jaylen wasn't much of a talker right now. Probably because he was tired, or fed up.

"It's okay. Full of preppy white kids who spend their daddy's money," He shrugged. "which neither of us can relate to." Daddy issues are evident in these two, quite surprised that neither of them like older men actually.

Kavari couldn't help but laugh at that. It was a pretty messed up joke, but he found it too funny. "You spend your mom's money, that's something I can't relate to." He joked.

Jaylen snorted out, but didn't exactly laugh. It was a pretty fucked up joke. And he wasn't going to be caught dead laughing at such a dark joke.

"That's fucked up."
"I know."

Jaylen stared at Kavari, the moonlight hitting his skin and illuminating his huge pink lips. To Jaylen, Kavari always looked like he was pouting. It was cute, and he'd grown fond of his lips on his.

The feeling of Kavari's lips on his was just addicting. No matter how many people Jaylen kissed, or got head from, all he could think about was Kavari.

"You starin mad hard, got a nigga sweatin." Kavari laughed, turning his head to look at Jaylen. Who didn't even avert his eyes from the man driving.

It's not like he could see anyways. He'd need to carry his glasses around more often.

"Sorry..." he muttered out. Which he clearly wasn't. Kavari took note of that, back then when Jaylen would apologize, he'd mean it. Truly, and it seemed like he didn't mean anything he said.

"You off season, right? You don't have meets for like, another month?" Kavari asked, his full attention on the road in front of him.

"Mhm." Jaylen hummed out, he definitely didn't wanna talk. Kavari had to remind himself that Jaylen was different. He had always been to himself, but never like this.

"You good?"


"Yeah I get you. That video of y'all probably going around as we speak though. They might suspend you for fighting." Seeing how both Jaylen, and Nicholas were college athletes.

"It's not on campus grounds." He was quick to retaliate. Which was true, but he was an adult. Jaylen didn't care though, he'd just say that Baxter was being an arrogant ass racist.


"I don't think it really matters like that, Jay. Especially because you threw the first punch. You need to think before you act-"

"Ooh brother! This guy stinks."

"You think this a joke or sumn?" He questioned, laughing a bit. It seemed like Jaylen wasn't taking this as serious as Kavari was.

"You sound like my mom.." Jaylen muttered out, getting a bit tired of having this conversation.

"Swear if I wasn't driving I'd pop you inna mouth. You lucky Nicholas won't press chargers on you. That's a whole assault and battery case."

Jaylen huffed out, no longer wanting to engage in this dead end conversation.

If Nicholas truly wanted to press chargers on Jaylen, it'd cause unnecessary drama between the two universities.

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