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THE KIDNAPPERS WORDS REALLY, stuck to the girl like glue, and she genuinely started fearing for her future some more. She felt as if she were paralyzed from how she couldn't say anything, do anything, or even process anything. It all went so quickly, and she was hating the fact that she was even getting used to her new routine. It was like everyday was the same for her, wake up and be smothered by the pink haired males love, eat with him standing over her, take a shower with him standing right outside the bathroom door, and get to bed with him following after her.

She didn't know how much more of this she was going to be able to take, and yet she still endured every single second of it. He also knew. He knew the pain and suffering he was causing her, but he acted as if it didn't exist. He was so sure she was going to get used to it, and although she was, it was still damaging her everyday.

"How are you already full?" Saiki pulled the plate back and briefly looked at the teen that kept her head hanging, not a little peep coming from her throat. He hated it whenever she decided not to speak with him, but by now he was used to it, and he just kept telling himself atleast he had her there with him.

Once he gulped down the rest of Y/Ns food, he cleared his throat and crossed his arms against the smooth table, his head tilting to the side as his pink hair slightly brushed down the sides of his face, a smile coating his lips as he did so, "Hmm? I know you hear me talking to you... When I talk to you what do I expect, YN?"

"An answer." Her voice was shaky as she responded, her E/C eyes still on her exposed thighs as she began to wonder why he made her wear such short shorts.

"Exactly..." her kidnapper hummed out as he stood up to his feet, slowly making his way over to her. It wasn't too long until he was standing right beside her, his slender fingers petting down against the top of her head. He thought this would comfort her during her nonverbal state, but no. It only made her want to drown herself before bashing her own brains in.

Other hand reaching out to her, that's when the girl felt her face being cupped by his other hand as he softly made her look up at him. Once they made eye contact, she saw the sinister smile grow over his lips, "See? Look at that... You look so pretty.. Why do you hide your face from me??"

The females eyes wanted to look at anywhere other than the purple eyes that sat infront of her, but she just couldn't. It was like he was the only thing she could focus on at that moment, and she had no idea why, and she had no idea how she was ever going to escape him, "I don't mean to..."

"I hope that's the truth, Y/N.." Saiki murmured with a slight chuckle that left his throat. She didn't see how he could be so happy after doing what he'd done to her, even if he was feeding her and making sure she was bathed and clothed.

Y/N didn't say another word after that, she could only maintain eye contact with him as he allowed himself to rub her face, a loving look over his features. It was like he remembered why he'd captured her for himself in the first place. To have her locked away, unable to spare anyone else another glance was something he'd only dreamed about, but now it was what he made a reality, and he was truly grateful for that even if he saw the obvious signs of a deep state of sadness from her.

He constantly told himself she would be alright with him in the end, but if he was going to be honest with himself, he really didn't know if that would be the case at all, especially with how Y/N was acting.

"Alright, you already know what time it is, baby," he removed his hands from her face and took a few steps back that were also followed with deep sighs from him. Y/N was glad that he finally stopped touching her, but she didn't express that. She only slipped away from her chair and followed the pink haired man that lead her to their bedroom.

She climbed onto the bed, feeling weaker than ever, and before she knew it her head was making contact with her soft pillow. She buried her face in it for a second before she felt as though she couldn't breath, but once she pulled her face up there he was, staring at her with that same smile on his lips.

It was almost like he was taunting her in her eyes, but that wasn't what he was trying to do. He was simply admiring her. It wasn't like she could read his mind though, so she obviously thought the worse.

"Go on. Sleep. I'll be watching over you." He ordered her in a gentle voice before the other teen decided to roll over, not wanting to make any more eye contact with her kidnapper.

I don't have any other ideas guys im sorry😞
ending illusions soon but dw cause im putting another Saiki story out

I don't have any other ideas guys im sorry😞ending illusions soon but dw cause im putting another Saiki story out

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