23 | Kade's Obsession

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"She's our bonded." Killian slams through the door, his eyes coming to rest on me.

Malachi sits up from where he's lazed over the couch, his eyes narrowed on his twin.


"She's our bonded." Killian replies like we didn't hear the first time.

"She's not." I reply, waving a hand like the thought is the most outrageous thing I'd ever heard.

It is.

"Kade, you don't understand." He slams the door behind him and I snap my head up. Killian isn't the type to lose his cool. "I healed her."

"You what?" I bark.

"Healed her? From what?" Malachi snaps. "Is she fucking hurt?"

Killian pulls back. "Just a scratch." He look to me again, "but I healed her, you know that I can't heal anyone unless there's a connection. A bonded connection."

"Why the fuck did you even go to her?" I say instead, "Someone is killing with shadows. Our focus needs to be on that."

"Kade." He snaps. "I healed her." 

"She can't be our bonded." I slam from the table. "She's human, it's not possible."

"Human or not, she's ours."

"Forget it, Killian, she'll be dead before you ever have any time with her. She won't survive this world."

"But she is ours?" Malachi asks his brother.

Killian nods, "I healed her." He says the words like he's also trying to make himself believe it. "She's ours."

Malachi grins. "I knew it."

"She's not." I bark.

"Then why the fuck do you go on runs with her?" Killian snaps.

I lift my head up, regarding my cousin with a cold look. "We will not be bonding with her, a human will not survive our world."

"You go on runs with her?" Malachi says shocked, "you act like you hate her."

The twins stand side by side, staring at me.

"It's because his dragon is soothed by her." Killian says, looking at me with raised brows, "isn't he, Kade?"

"Drop it, Killian. You know Abraham will kill her just to weaken us. I won't put us in that position. Bonded or not. She is human, which means she will die. Don't forget that." I lift a hand to my neck, rubbing at the ache building there. "We need to focus on what happened tonight."

I leave the twins behind me and stalk from the dorm, leaving them to think of the consequences of the actions they've already taken.

It takes me less then a minute to hit the ground running and then large scaled wings are sprouting from my back and I'm in the air, wind whipping past me as I soar higher and higher, reaching the clouds within seconds.

My dragons head turns downwards, nostrils flaring and large focused eyes on the dorm further from the main building, across a courtyard of green grass.

He settles on the roof of the dorm our bonded resides in, curling a barbed tail around himself before resting in the l spot he's claimed since the god forsaken human had appeared at our academy.

He was a pain in the ass and so was the girl.

In the morning we wake, the first crack of dawn approaching lazily.

The dragon opens one eye, then two before opening his maw wide and huffing.

Seconds later I'm back in my human form, bones aching from the sudden shift and the way we'd slept all night, curled tightly above our mates sleeping quarters.

Not from the first time. Won't be the last.

I make my way to the door leading down and before I know it I'm in front of her door and letting myself in.

Part of me wants to slam the door and stalk back to my own room but the creature buried within me aches to see her.

And so we do.

She sleeps peacefully, one of the few nights she had since she'd turned up. I don't look too much into the fact that she sleeps peacefully when we are above her and that what makes my dragon keep coming back.

I flick there the on, the sudden brightness causing even my eyes to sting a fraction.

She slams up, eyes wide and pinned on me with a fierce glare. "What the-"

"Get up."

"Kade?" She falls back onto the bed with an arm thrown over her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"We're going for a run."

"No we're not."

"Get up."

"You hate me running with you, have made your annoyance perfectly clear so go and run by yourself."

"You will get up."

"You sound so sure of that?"

I stalk forward, ignoring the huff from my creature and rip the covers from her body.

"You have five minutes to get ready and get your ass downstairs."

"Or what."

I narrow my eyes at the insolent smile on her face.

"You won't like the punishment."

She raises a brow.

"I don't punish like Malachi does." I turn from her, "four minutes. Move." I look back over my shoulder, "if you're not out in four I will be dragging your carcass outside and I will force you to run until your feet disintegrate."

"You have a very vivid imagination."

"Four minutes."

I shut the door behind me and settle against the wall beside it, grunting at the huff my dragon lets out.

"Don't." I snap quietly. "She's human. You know better."

The sound of her rustling behind the door brings a smug smile to my face.

One minute left.

A drawer slams from inside and then the sound of her colourful swears erupt.

Thirty seconds.

The thud of footsteps stalling closer before backing away towards the window.

"I'll capture you before you even make it down the wall."

She huffs and my dragons chuffs, expanding his chest at the thought of chasing and capturing his bonded.

If she ever ran from us, we'd find her.

I roll my eyes.

Five seconds.

More noises erupt from inside the room and I count down the second and then start counting up,

Thirty second.

Forty-five seconds.

One minute.

My hand reaches for the door knob, grasping it in my grip before pushing it open at the same time it's pulled from my hand.

"Do you have to stand in the hall like a loser?"

"Let's go."

"I still have to put my hair up."

"I gave you an extra minute. You don't deserve more. Now let's go."

She huffs behind me but follows me as I lead us towards the same trail we'd run numerous times now.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now