Chapter 11

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I woke to a tickle on my forehead. Without opening my eyes, I scrunched my face to escape the feeling. When it didn't go away, I swatted and heard a groan. My eyes shot open as I look to my left. Realizing it was lando I sighed with relief.

"Why are you hitting me?" I hear Lando mumble, eyes still closed.

"You're in. My. Space." My fingers dancing up his chest, making a point. He catches my hand on his chest softly, pulling it down and around his hip so that I could hug him.

"How about this, is this in your space?" He asks eyes still yet to open.

"Yes, but I prefer this to your hands in my face." I chuckle, stretching up to kiss the corner of his mouth. Upon pulling away I finally see his piercing blue eyes gazing back at me. He sends me a soft smile that makes butterflies erupt in my stomach. I didn't know what had me so enchanted but there was something about Lando that made me feel at ease.

We laid there for a bit in peaceful silence before I saw Lando frown. "What's wrong?" I asked slightly concerned.

"It's nothing, my flight to Australia is later tonight." He sighs, rolling into his back.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you, if you have to go we can get up!" I rush slightly embarrassed having been laying on him. If he wanted to go I was in no position to keep him.

"No no! I don't need to leave yet. I was just saying it because I'm not looking forward to leaving." He says with a small chuckle.

"Why not?" I ask dumbfounded. He gets to travel the world, how could he not be excited every single week?

"Well to start there's you." Lando remarks causing me to look around the room before turning my attention back to him. "I really like you. I just-" he pauses for a moment as I feel my heart rate pick up in joy. "I don't know, never mind." He says scratching the back of his head letting out a sigh. My joy deflates slightly as he doesn't finish his thought but I don't want to push him.

"Well before you leave, is there anything you'd like to do?" I ask, rolling over to sit up. I don't hear a response so I turn to look over my shoulder at him. He's looks to be in thought, staring at my ceiling.

He notices me starting so he props up on his elbows, throwing me a soft grin. "Get breakfast with me?" He asks. I give him a nod, smiling. I stand to make my way to the restroom, but lando rolls out of bed to catch me by the waist. "Not before I get a kiss though." He stops me as I blush. Bringing my hand up to his cheeks, he leans in to press out lips together. The kiss is sweet, and doesn't last too long. He lets me go as I make my way out of the room.

"Good morning." I hear from the couch.

"Nadine, oh my gosh, you scared me. What time did you get back?" I ask with a hand on my chest.

"About an hour ago." She smirks. "Why are you so scared?" She chuckles. By the looks of it, she knew he was here and she was enjoying this.

"No reason, I just didn't know you were here." I smile back continuing as I was. I moved with haste to get on with my morning regiment to not keep Lando waiting too long. Once done, I returned to my room to pick out a simple outfit. I pulled out a white athletic dress.

"You can turn around now." I say motioning to Lando. With a pout he turns away. Quickly getting the dress on, I look in the mirror. "Okay." I say moving to pull on some white socks and adidas sneakers. I grab some jewelry to accessorize and my beige bottega veneta shoulder bag. I turn to Lando to find him standing there with a smile on his face. "What?" I ask, putting a pair of sunglasses on top of my head.

"Just you." He says, walking towards me with a smile. "Absolutely beautiful." He says making me playfully roll my eyes. We head for my door but then I remember Nadine is here.

"Nadine is here." I say as a warning.

"Should I invite her?" He asks, checking his pockets to make sure he has all of his things.

"I mean, you don't have to but we can?" I say suggestively. It could be a good opportunity for Nadine and Lando to get to know each other better. The way things were going with Lando I'd like to imagine they'd need to get along as they were both becoming important to me. We walk out and Lando makes a quick move to grab my hand causing me to smile confidently.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Nadine says to the both of us.

"Morning, Nadine." Lando chimes, with a cheesy smile. "Care to join us for brunch?" He asks, raising a brow.

"Oh I can't impose." She says with a wave of her hand.

"You're not imposing, I want you to come! The weekend is almost over and I've hardly seen you." I plead sending her my best frown. She caves easily, throwing her hands up.

"Fine." She says agreeing to tag along. I cheer as Lando chuckles, pulling me into his side, sending a soft kiss to my forehead. Nadine sees this but chooses to stay quiet.

As we walk down the street to get to our chosen brunch spot, Lando is stopped a few times to take pictures with fans. Nadine and I wait as we're in no rush. Lando takes time for each fan, making sure they all go a picture, hug or an autograph. It was kind of him to take his time, and incredibly sweet to watch. I look on with a smile as I see passerby's taking photos. I suddenly grow a bit worried that I'd be in the background. I'd not been pictured with Lando yet which I was okay with. Up until our date, Lando and I had strictly made it friends. I was in no position to be asking what we were. I didn't want to have to do that.

"Hey, you okay?" Lando asks, lowering his head, to meet my eye. I look from his fans to him.

"Yeah, you ready?" I ask, trying to sound cheerful. He nods and the three of us head on our way.


Update! Hope you liked this one. Any Ferrari fans here? What do you all think about Adrian Newey leaving redbull? I hate that Ferrari is now Ferrari HP but if it give them Newey and a world championship, I'll deal with it.. anyways I've been writing a good bit so I'll be trying to update more often! Happy race week everyone :)

All the Best,
  Gaby. x

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