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I be writing this at 10:20 on a school night help me 💀💀💀

Plot: You go to Wheatley's room to sleep with him after insomnia decided to kick in and keep you up

It was a long day at work and you were tired beyond all reason wanting to sleep. Unfortunately, you forgot one crucial detail. You had insomnia. Meaning you couldn't sleep even if you tried. You lived with your boyfriend Wheatley and decided to try to sleep with him since you couldn't sleep. You slept in two separate bedrooms so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable with sleeping with Wheatley after he moved in. So, in the middle of the night Wheatley was woken up by something on his bed and when he saw it was you he was concerned.

You never slept next to him before so your sudden appearance in his bed was concerning. "Luv? Are you alright?" Wheatley asked turning on his lamp and sitting up, putting his glasses on. "I can't sleep." You said embarrassed. "So it seems. Well, any reason why you can't sleep?" Wheatley asked making you smile. "Insomnia. I hate having it and it's a bitch dealing with even when I want to sleep but whatever." You said with a smile making Wheatley concerned. "Why didn't you say anything sooner luv? I could have helped you sooner!" Wheatley asked making you pause.

You didn't know how to answer this question since you really don't tell anyone without being scolded for "not taking care of yourself." So, after a few moments of silence left you in tears, you felt yourself being hugged by Wheatley. "Hey, hey, hey! It's okay! Take your time luv. I won't rush you. You don't have to say anything either I'm just curious." Wheatley said making you smile. "W-Well, whenever I tell people this they scolded me for "not taking care of myself" even though I do. I hate it when I get scolded for this shit even though it's not my fucking fault! I hate it!" You said crying again not even caring that you were crying in front of Wheatley in the first place.

You were both silent for a moment before you felt yourself get laid down and opened your eyes to see yourself laying next to Wheatley. "H-Huh?!" You exclaimed trying to sit up before being pulled down again by Wheatley. "Hush luv. You need to rest. It's the middle of the night. Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." Wheatley said sitting up turning his lamp off and taking his glasses off putting them on the stand before laying back down and falling asleep. You tried to sleep but after an hour you decided that this was bullshit trying to sleep and tried getting up before immediately getting pulled down again by Wheatley

You couldn't see him very well but you could tell he was pissed off. "Go to sleep Y/N. I won't ask you again." Wheatley said making you blush. You never thought Wheatley could be so serious about taking care of you and honestly, you found it kinda hot. So, after a few minutes you finally fell asleep listening to Wheatley's heartbeat making him smile when he woke up to you cuddling him like a cat. "Told you I would help you." Wheatley said before getting up and making breakfast for you.

From that day forward, you slept with Wheatley and the insomnia went away rather quickly. All thanks to your amazing boyfriend Wheatley.

Hiya my gorgeous fans! This is a new series and I expect a lot of love for this. Here are the emojis I will use for each subject of each chapter

❤️‍🩹=Comfort Stories
❤️=Fluff stories
❤️‍🔥=Lemon/Smut stories

Enjoy this series guys! Bye!

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