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I came out of the building on Nidals shoulders. The vr had been so fun.

"Nidal, don't drop her!" Jiji shouted, laughing. He ran around, and I barely held on.

"Y/n, at least hold on!" Chelsea shouted. I grabbed his forehead and slowly dragged my hands up to the top of his head, taking his hair with me.

He slapped my hands away and went over to a shop window to fix his hair.

"Let me fix it!" I said and ran my fingers through it. I tried to flatten it into a fringe, but Nidal moved my hands away.

I laughed as he tried to fix it again.

I jumped down.

"Let's get food." I said and grabbed Nidals hand.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I crave a frozen yoghurt thing." I said, dragging him to a frozen yoghurt shop.

I got a strawberry, and he got a chocolate. I tried to pay, but he shoved me aside and paid himself.

I huffed out of the shop and ate my yoghurt.

"Meanie." I grumbled and sat down.

"Wanna try mine?" He asked. I nodded. I handed him my cup, and he handed his to me.

"Let me feed you." I said and took his spoon. I took a spoonful of my yoghurt and put it into his mouth. He did the same with me.

Once we had finished, we went back to my house so I could show him Nala.

Nala loved Nidal, and they rolled around on the floor like wrestlers.

I texted Katie whilst I waited for them to get tired. Once they had finished, Nidal strolled over and sat next to me.

"Alright?" He asked. I nodded and put down my phone.

"What shall we do? I'm bored." I said.

"Dunno." He said.

"Oh, I could get tiktok?" I said. Nidal nodded.

We set up my account, and I started to look for video ideas.

I found an interesting one, and I set up my phone camera against a wall outside facing the road. I then grabbed my mums phone.

Nidal was near the camera on his phone. I took the chance when there was a car coming.

I looked down at my mums phone and pretended I was texting someone. I walked out onto the road, and I heard Nidal shout.

Someone grabbed my waist and span me around to face them.

I fell and grabbed Nidals' shoulders.

"Y/n! What were you thinking!" He said. I started to laugh.

"What!" He said. He turned around and saw the camera. He rolled his eyes jokingly and laughed.

Nidals mum picked him up, and I went inside.

I started to learn a tiktok dance, and then I posted it.

I got ready for bed and then went to sleep.

I woke up stiff. I grabbed my phone and went on my tiktok. I already had 3.2k followers.

I looked at how many views my tiktok had. 4.8k. I smiled and then decided to post the one I had made yesterday with Nidal saving me.

I got ready for school and called Katie and Salish. I met up with them and walked to school.

"Y/n, I saw you made a tiktok account." Salish said.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"I will follow you. I just wanted to make sure it was you." She said.

We arrived at school.

"My Dad wants to do a video with everyone. Katie, do you want to be in it?" Salish asked.

"Yes, please!" She said.

"Some of the Rock squad will be there. Elliana, Jentzen, Nidal, and some others." Salish said.

"What's the idea then?" I asked.

"It's basically going to kindergarten and be annoying. Dad's going to be teaching." She explained.

"Oooh, fun." I said. Katie agreed.

I got home and started on some homework. Nidal called, and I declined.

I had a pretty rough day at school, and I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

He started texting me loads and calling, so I flung my phone across the room, and it smashed against the wall.

I shrieked in frustration and went over to my broken phone. I threw it onto my bed and then myself.

I started to cry. Nala barked from outside. I ignored her and hugged my knees to my chest.

I fell asleep and woke up the next morning, still dressed.

I got up and went downstairs and showed my parents the broken phone. I felt bad so I went to the mall and got them some presents.

I gave it to them and they were grateful. I then used my ipad to say sorry to Nidal.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now