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Salish, Katie, and I were hanging out at my place.

I was still quite upset about school, but I didn't tell anyone. My body had been feeling weird after it.

"Hey Y/n you okay there!" Salish said. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I laughed.

"Good, good!" Katie said.

"Uh, I'm just going to go to the bathroom.  A second won't be long!" I said smiling before I walked out.

I walked up to the bathroom, and I locked the door. My body dropped to the floor as my vision went black.


"Y/n?" I heard Salish shout. I heard her come upstairs.

"Y/n? Are you okay in there?" Katie shouted. No answer.

"Y/N!" Katie shouted again.

"Y/n, this isn't funny. Open the door!" Salish yelled. After a couple minutes of shouting and yelling, I tried to get up, but I couldn't. Something was wrong.

I heard the door swinging open and the girls running in. Katie pulled me in and checked my pulse. She started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Come back, I still need you!" She cried.

"NIDAL COME HERE, PLEASE!" Salish screamed, letting out a strangled sob.

He rushed in and dropped to his knees, grabbing my hand.

"What happened!" He demanded.

"We were just hanging out, and she went to the bathroom. I found it locked, and I broke in and saw her on the floor!" Katie explained tears where streaming down her face.

"I swear Y/n if you dont wake up right now." He said, clutching my hand to his chest.

"Hold on." He whispered as tears started running down his face.

My mum put me in the back of the car with Katie and Nidal. Salish sat at the front with my mum at the wheel.

The drive was like a nightmare I couldn't escape from. My mum was praying under her breath.

Nidal was staring at me, tears running down his face. We arrived at the hospital, and the doctors rushed to the car with a stretcher and picked me up into it.

I went in with Katie and Nidal, Salish, and my mum waited. My mum tried to calm Nidal down as he broke down into floods of tears.

Katie was pacing back and forth as the doctors checked my heartbeat, confirming that I was alive.

I woke up to Katie sitting on a chair, half her body collapsing on top of my arm.

My head was throbbing. Doctors came in quietly with my mum and dad following close behind. My mums eyes were red and puffy, and my dad was pale.

Katies mum came in and picked her up, taking her out. My mum hugged me crying. my dad rested his hand on my arm.

The doctors talked to them as I rested. I heard people coming in and out. Crying, sniffing, and suffering.

I dozed in and out of consciousness. I felt a warm touch. I knew the person. I woke up and smiled as my eyes adjusted to Nidals face. His face was red and tear stained. I pulled him in for a hug.

"Y/n, stop going to the hospital!" He said, trying to laugh.

I chuckled and held onto him nit wanting to let go.

"Y/n, come on, let's go home and have a rest." Mt mum said. Nidal stood up, and I followed him into my parents' car.

"Salishes video tomorrow. I hope you will make it." He said and hugged me before closing the car door and walking to his car.

The next day, I felt refreshed and happy. I got into some dungarees and a white croptop underneath with yellow flowers on.

I put my hair up into uneven bunches and put some mascara on.

Salish picked me up, and we went to the kindergarten and sat down in our assigned spaces and got given our personalities.

I was Y/n the quiet one.

The video started, and we all shouted and yelled and pushed over tables and argued.

Jordan came in.

We stopped and wrote down our names and said what we were.

I went up and wrote my name neatly on the board.

"I'm not saying." I said before running back to my table and watching.

Nidal wrote up and struggled to write his name. Once he had written his name, he tried to do a flip, which didn't really work.

"I'm funny." He said and walked back to his seat.

Jordan then started talking, but I zoned out, which I guess was good for me because I was the quiet one.

Then, a piece of paper was thrown at me. I looked up startled, almost thinking I was actually at school.

I was about to read whatever note was written on it, but Jordan picked it up and went back to the front.

Then we cut the cameras and had a break. Nidal came over to me.

"You good?" He asked. I nodded.

"You just seem so quiet." He said.

"Well, I am the quiet one." I replied, raising my brows. He sat next to me.

"By the way, if you were wondering, the note said -" He was cut off.

"Do you like me." I said.

"What? Of course I, Oh wait, that was what the note said. Yeah. That." He responded, looking down at the table.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yup, fine, everything is great." He said.

"Sure." I said. I started fiddling with a sharpener on the table.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now