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The party
So today is Friday and I'm turning 16, I'm throwing a big party and My parents will be out of town for a business trip for the rest of the month.
Before my parents left my mom took me out to get me a dress my drees is blue and black and she got me black heels and I got this diamond set with earrings ,a necklace , and a bracelet I invited my friend Malorie Over to help me set up for the party . I texted Blake and told him to also be over a few minutes early to help me set up for the party .when the doorbell rang I walked downstairs my mom said bye .every body was here Blake said "hi babe you look good" I said back "thanks" then he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss he slid his tongue across my lower lip to ask for entry I gave the permission needed and we sat there in a heated make out session and told me to jump I did as told and jumped in to his muscular arms and he grabbed my butt and ran up the stairs not breaking the kids I smiled into the kiss and he opened my bedroom door and layed me on the bed still not breaking the kiss he started to take off my dress he unzipped my zipper and threw my dress on the floor I took off his shirt and started fiddling with the hem of his pants then he took my heels and jewelry off and set them on my nightstand then I took his pants and boxers off he reached in to his pocket to grab a condom and he put it on then he slowly entered me then I felt something pop inside of me and he felt it too because he gave me the 'look' but he shook it off and kept on grinding into me I said "harder!" he went harder as he took his Penis out of me and bent down and took his tong and sucked my vagina as he worked his way up to my mouth.

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