What its like to be in a Girl Group

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"So how is it being in a girl group?" The interviewer held the mic.

She was a statuesque woman with Swedish blonde hair and icey blue eyes.

The camera panned down to the four young women who looked the complete opposite of her.

There sat Dream, Eden, Yesica and Kamila.

"I love it." Dream smiled.

She was the ideal image for the group. A nice round the way girl with a look of innocence. really Dream was anything but that. she was a real life bad girl she just had an innocent looking face.

Dream stood 5'3 with a slim build with fair skin and hazel eyes that held speckles of green. Her size came from her mother who was a short white woman while her curves, color and hair came from her African father. Dream was as beautiful as a dream and that's why her parent named her that.

"It's been an experience." Eden answered with a smile.

Like Dream, she was mixed. she was a few shades darker, her hair a bit thicker and longer, and if you asked anyone outside of Dream and her parents, they would tell you there was no comparison between the two.

Eden was slim but had more curves. Her light brown skin was like honey with her blue green eyes that were always locking most people in. They were a trait from her father she hated, but apparently, everyone else loved. Eden stood about 5'2 "and like the rest of the girls had a flat stomach from the much forced cardio requested from their label.

"It's actually a new experience I am enjoying." Yesica said in her heavy Spanish accent.

She stood 5'3 just like Dream and was just as golden brown as Eden. Looking at her, it was obvious her Hispanic heritage was visible as much as her native side. Even though she may have been the daughter of an executive, Yesica was also talented.

Dream could do one thing, sing her ass off on a good day. As for Yesica, she could sing in all sorts of ranges since she had trained for broads way and she could also dance. Eden could do it all, including playing instruments and writing music.

"I actually wasn't a fan of it, but it's grown on me." Kamila said truthfully.

She was a smooth chocolate color with the brightest, whitest smile. Although she was the oldest, she stood 5'2 "on the shorter end of the group. just as beautiful as the other women, mostly because as they came to find out, it was a requirement for the group.

Kamila was the rapper of the group and the eldest. Everyone else was 21, and she was 23. A few years ago she was an upcoming rapper and when her group fell apart they placed her in a new group and for the missing member, a member that was only needed because Dream was big on having things her way.

"Okay, a few more questions for Kamila and Yesica, and we're done." The interviewer said before Eden excused herself, and just like she thought, Dream followed.

Eden rolled her eyes and continued to her dressing room.

"So late to an interview this time?" Dream followed her.

Eden didn't bother to look at her as she turned to shut her dressing room door so she could change.

Dream snatched and held her door.

"You do realize you can be replaced?" Dream reminded her.

"Please find someone to replace me, you know someone who can sing, write, read and play music." Eden said, already knowing her worth.

If she was being honest in terms of group members, she was the best. If she wanted to rap, she could, if she wanted to sing in a different language, she could. All things she could do, she could do it while playing an instrument or dancing. These were things Dream couldn't even do but wanted to be the center of attention.

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