8. arcade 2

461 21 2

No one's pov:

"Here senpai!"
You held the cat plushie that you got for reo and gave it to him, with a proud look on your face, you truly see no God up here with how lucky you have been today,

"Thanks so much y/n!"
Reo excitedly held the plushie, he couldn't wait to put this plushie you got in the room he especially made at his place just to keep your belongings,

'My sweet baby boy is so cute! This two are officially my sons'
You thought to yourself, reo showing nagi the plushie he also got from you in the background

"Greetings miss y/n"
A voice whispered near your ear from behind you, at that your instinct kicked in

You let out a scream as you immediately backed away from the figure behind you, ready to throw hands if the person mean any harm to you

Reo called out as nagi and him looked towards your direction and noticed two figures standing near you, the both of them immediately walked closer to you as the stood besides you protectively

"Hey, what did you do to y/n?"
Reo glared at the two strangers that startled you as nagi send then a very cold look

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down you two, we don't mean no harm"
The figure with purple and dark hair spoke as he raised both his hands at the three of you

"I told you, not to crawl up from behind like that"
The other person with cyan hair replied plainly at his companion

"Sorry, my friend here didn't mean to startle you"
The cyan haired continued while you stared at the duo for some seconds and it clicked you, they were Yo Hiori and Tabito Karasu!

"We just wanted to greet y/n chan as we were a huge fan of hers"
Hiori commented as he glanced at your direction and smiled politely

'Wahhh!!! An angel, so bright, so pure!!'
You admired the soft boy in front of you, as you made an imaginary self of yourself covering your eyes from the bright light in front of you,

"Ooo, I see" You nodded as you quickly smiled at them like you didn't just try to fight them a few seconds ago.

"then let me introduce myself, names Tabito Karasu, just call me Tabito"

"I'm Yo Hiori, just call me Yo"

They both introduced themselves as the three of you also introduced yourselves to them

"Y/n chan, you can refer to me as tabito senpai~"
Karasu playfully winked at you, the duo behind you glaring daggers towards the crow like male

"Uhh... Sure....?"you replied awkwardly,

" Haaa... Your making her uncomfortable, you damn crow" Yo smack his companion at his guts as he looked at you with a gentle expression

"Y/n chan, just address me casually" Yo smiled calmly

'I have lived a long life' you thought as imaginary flower bloom around the cyan haired boy

"N/n let's go get some food" Reo placed his hand on your shoulder as he sent a quick glare to the duo in front of you

"Ah man, ya'll leaving already~?" Karasu let out a childish whine as he pouted like a little kid who got his favorite toy taken away.

"Yes, so we'll be leaving then" Reo put on a forced smile, annoyed at Karasu's childish behavior,

"Y/n chan~ can i get your number? " Karasu brought out his phone as he held it in front of you,

"Ah, can i also get your number?" Yo also held out his phone, eagerly waiting for your reply

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