1. criminals in the city.

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Let's say this is just a ff, so don't take it seriously

Warning ⚠️

In this story, there will be things like: sexual harassment, weapons, beating, dying, torture , and blood.

So... let's start!

"News! Yesterday evening, more than 3 people were shot and died at 3 o'clock in the morning in Seoul! Dear residents, Unfortunately, this is not the only bad news. A few weeks ago, a few bodies were found in the same place and at the same time. We believe that the people who died were killed by the same people. Please take care of yourself and be very careful with your friends, families, and people around you and-"

The TV turned off. Sunoo turned the TV off, rolled his eyes, and grabbed a chips.

"This is such a nonsense. Seriously, why do people just have to kill other people for no reason? It's such nonsense. "

Sunoo said and rolled his eyes again. Jungwon,jake and sunghoon, who was full of afraid now from the news, looks shocked to Sunoos' words.

"Hyung, are you seriously right now, or are you just joking?" Jungwon asks with widen eyes on sunoo. Jake and sunghoon nodded at jungwon question to sunoo and waited for an answer.

"Yes, Wonnie. I'm serious" Sunoo said stroked Jungwon's, Sunghoon's and Jake's hair.

"Anyways, would you all like a sleepover? If so then I will prepare things. So who wants? " Sunghoon asks.

"Me, of course! It's 3am why should I go home in this situation? And I'm sure Jake wants to stay too, right Jakey? "Jungwon says and looks at Jake. Jake quickly nodded.

Suddenly all eyes were on Sunoo who didn't answer. Sunoo noticed the looks and roll his eyes.

"Ugh, i can't,I have homework." Sunoo said, looking into his nails.

"But hyung, you know it's 3 o'clock, the criminals can come anytime!" Jungeon said with concern, taking Sunoos shoulders and shaking him.

"This is true, Sunoo! This is very dangerous! " Jake said. Sunghoon just ate his chips and watches the others.

"Aww, don't worry, guys! I will be fine, trust me." Sunoo said with a calm voice ,didn't care about the criminals.

Jungwon and Jake take a big breath and nodded. Sunghoon just sleep there with chips over his mouth.

Sunoo stood up and took his things. He walked and opened the front door. He bid the others a 'goodbye' and left.

As he left the house he hear someones scream from behind bushes. Sunoo took a step closer, he could hear the scream is louder and louder.

Suddenly someone jumped from the bush with full of blood. Sunoo jumped from afraid. He didn't know what to do.

"H-help me...please..." The person said and tried to crawl at Sunoo.


Someone has the back of the brain to this person. The person died instantly and blood came out of his mouth and head.

Sunoos eyes widen, he start trembling from afraid. As he would run away he felt someone catch him from his waist. The person grab Sunoos chin, blood on his fingers, and a knife in his other hand.

"What is such a beauty doing here at this time, hmm? Didn'tsomeone watch the news?" He said in a flirt voice.

Sunoo pushed him away and started running quickly. The Person smirk at Sunoos reaction.

"Niki, why didn't you do something? He can tell this everyone. " The other said. Niki turned around and walk over to the other.

"You know jay hyung, he was too beautiful, for dying." Niki said. Jay looked at Heeseung, who didn't even hear anything about what they were talking. He was just watching a boy from a window.

Jay rolled his eyes, take Heeseungs and Nikis hands and walk into the black van.

HII GUYS, THIS IS MY THIRD STORY SO I CANT WRITE VERY WELL. And remember this if I had mistakes tja is because english isn't my first language. Luv u, bye bye ♡♥︎♡

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