𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 29

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-Start of Chapter 29-

I can do this!

Leaving behind the sanctuary of memories, I step out into the dimly lit hallway, the weight of my mission pressing down upon me like a leaden cloak. Every step forward is a step closer to danger, but I refuse to be deterred. I refuse to let fear dictate my actions any longer.

As I make my way through the labyrinthine corridors of the castle, my mind races with thoughts of the impending rescue mission. I envision myself storming the dungeon, facing down the guards with a courage born of desperation and determination. I see myself freeing Jia from her captivity, her eyes wide with gratitude and relief as I lead her to safety. 

But beneath the surface of my bravado lies a seed of doubt, a nagging fear that whispers of the dangers that await me. The dungeon is a place of darkness and despair, a labyrinth of secrets and shadows that threatens to swallow me whole if I'm not careful.

Should I tell Soobin oppa?... He will worry again... 

But I cannot afford to falter now. Jia's life hangs in the balance, and I refuse to let her suffer another moment in captivity. With a silent prayer on my lips, I steel myself for the challenges ahead, drawing strength from the memory of my mother's love and the unwavering bond between siblings.

My fingertips touches the cold metal door and I push it open. As the door creaks open, a rush of stale air washes over me, carrying with it the faint sound of distant echoes and muffled cries.

With each step into the darkness, my senses heighten, every sound and shadow scrutinized with acute awareness. The dim fire light on the walls cast flickering shadows along the stone walls, creating an eerie tableau of shifting shapes and shifting shadows.

I wake through the labyrinth, ignoring all the cries of help from the darkest corners. I try not to make sound. Soon after walking some time I leave behind the groans and decaying smell. 

I look around. No one's here... Wait. Am I in the wrong section. But I'm pretty sure this is way. Right?... I walk through more and more. Wait. I hear whimpering... Jia! 

Hiding in the shadows I see the cell guarded by 2 guards... They look quite well trained, their silver attire visible in the dim light. I quietly exhale - ok... take down guards then take Jia out, then escape. Simple enough right?...

I take out the dagger that Niki gave me. I look at it, running my hand through the side of the blade, it's edges gleaming. A smirk forms of my lips... I guess it's time to shed some blood...

With determined steps, I move closer to the guards, holding my breath. Gripping the dagger tightly in my hand, I steel myself for the task ahead.

As I draw nearer, I can hear the hushed whispers of their conversation, the low murmur of their voices carrying through the stillness of the dungeon. With each passing moment, my heartbeat quickens, the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I prepare to strike.

With a swift and silent motion, I move behind the first guard, my breath held in anticipation. With a quick flick of my wrist, the dagger finds its mark, the blade sinking deep into his throat with a sickening squelch. Blood spurts forth in a crimson arc, painting the walls.

The guard's eyes widen in shock and disbelief as he clutches at his throat, gurgling and choking on his own blood as life drains from his body. With a final, desperate gasp, he collapses to the ground, a pool of scarlet spreading beneath him.

Before the second guard can react, I lunge forward, the dagger flashing in the dim light as it finds its target once more. This time, I aim for his heart, the blade plunging deep into his chest with a sickening thud. He staggers backward, his eyes wide with pain and disbelief as he stares down at the weapon protruding from his chest.

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