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"I've come back for the child you have taken from me. You have no power over me." He looked down at the book and sighed. "Dammit, that's not it."

The rain started to pour down from the darkening sky and the alarm from his phone rang out. "It's seven already?" He turned and started running down the street, picking up his dress as to so it didn't drag. He was soaked by the time he reached his front door, where his step mother was waiting with her hands on her hips.

"Hajime, you're late. Why are you wearing a dress?"

"I know, I'm sorry." He stood there, apologizing in the downpour. "Don't ask me that, even I don't know." He wore pants under his dress and a pair of nice sneakers.

"Get inside at least, you're soaking wet!"

He hurried into the house, taking the towel from the woman and started drying his hair. He could hear a crying baby upstairs and he sighed, rushing up there. His father walked out of his little brothers room, holding him in his arms.

"We were supposed to leave an hour ago. Hajime!" He ran past him and into his room, pulling off the dress and changing into comfortable clothes.

His door opened and his father stuck his head in. "We are leaving, look after your brother. We'll be home in a couple hours."

He groaned and flopped on his bed, closing his eyes and listening to the sound of footsteps going down the steps and the front door shutting. Hajime turned on his side and opened his eyes, gazing at his shelf of stuffed animals. One of them was missing, and he jumped up, getting angry.

The door swung against the wall as he stepped out and stormed across the hall and into his brothers room. The bear was on the floor and he hurried to pick it up, holding it against his chest. "Oh, Tobio. I hate this place, I want to get away!"

The little boy was crying loudly, standing in his crib and watching him. He picked him up, rocking him, hoping he would stop soon. "Why are you always like this? Oh, stop crying, Tobio!"

Hajime stopped and looked at him, suddenly thinking of something. "Once upon a time, there was a guy who had to take care of his baby brother. He wouldn't stop crying and he couldn't think of anything else to do, so he called for the Goblin King. Nobody knew the he was in love with the guy and would take the child away and change him into a goblin."

The boy continued to cry and he grew tired, placing him back in the crib. "Oh what am I doing, this stupid. Shut up already, you damn brat. I wish the goblins would take you away, right now." He took his bear and turned off the light, Tobio still wailing as he left and went to his room.

When he closed the door, the cries stopped and silence filled the house. Hajime turned around and listened for a moment, before running back to the room. "Tobio?" The light wouldn't switch on no matter how hard he tried and the storm only seemed so much more frightening. It was horribly quiet as he slowly moved to the crib, and looked in. Nothing.

Something was tapping on the doors and he moved to it, only to stop as the doors opened and the cold wind rushed at him. A man in a flashy outfit was standing before him, his eyes bright but his expression stern. "Hello, Hajime."

"You're him, aren't you?" Hajime couldn't believe it, and he suddenly had a rush of fear spread through his body. "You're the Goblin King. Give my brother back."

"Correct!" He cleared his throat as if to get back into character. "What's said is said."

"I didn't mean it." Shaking his head, he stepped back, watching the strange man.

The king crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? You didn't?"

"Where is he? Bring him back." Hajime wanted to punch him; beat him until he brought his brother back, but he stayed put.

He chuckled and stepped towards him. "You know very well where he is." He stepped closer and leaned down. "Don't defy me, Hajime. You're shorter than me. Forget about your brother."

"I can't, you dumbass. Show me where he is."

With a sigh, the king turned and pointed out the window. "How mean. He's there, in my castle."

Hajime hurried to the window and looked out. The scenery was completely different and he could see a large labyrinth and a castle far off in the distance."What a dump. So I just have to get through that?"

"You have thirteen hours to complete the labyrinth." The king spoke with irritation right by his head. "Or else your baby brother will become one of us forever." When he turned around, the man had vanished and he was all alone. "Such a waste."

With a loud groan but determination, he set off towards the labyrinth, preparing himself for whatever was to come. "This should be easy."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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