im pregnant again

382 9 1

9 months later
Your p.o.v
This past week Iv been getting tired and easily angry Luffy thinks I'm just sick and I'll get over it but I know better than that. Luffy is out with everyone except for me and chopper.

Chopper stayed on the ship so he could look out for me. Right now I'm sitting on sunny's head looking out.
"What are you doing out here you are supposed to be resting" I heard chopper saying coming out of his office.

I turned around to see his hands on hips and his face looking angry at me.
"Chopper do you have a pregnancy test that I can take?" I asked chopper hoping he says yes. He looked confused at me "you think you might be pregnant?"  Chopper asked I nodded getting up from sunny head

"I should tell nami and robin and ask for help to"  chopper said walking away from me. I sighed slumping where I'm standing. I don't need help to buy a pregnancy test I'm literally going in and going out of the store.

Chopper came back out after a few seconds "they said no because they feel like you could do it on your own" chopper said. They know me very well they know I want to do this type of thing to do by myself.

"I'll be right back chopper keep the ship safe while I'm gone" I said. I jumped off the ship and started walking towards the closest store.

After about an hour of walking I found the first store I walked in. I searched around for pregnancy test after a minute or two I found them. I picked them up and brought to the register. "It's ten yen" the lady said I nodded I brought ten out and given it to her and got my bag and walked away.

I was back on ship I just closed the door to the girls bathroom. I opened the pregnancy test and took off my shorts and underwear and peed on the stick. I pulled my underwear and shorts up. After a two minute wait of thinking about mine and luffy life as possible parents.

I looked at the pregnancy test and it says pregnant four weeks on it. I touched my stomach "I'm going to be your mom little one and your dad crazy but he's going to love you so so much" I said to my stomach.

I grabbed my pregnancy test and walked back to the deck chopper was waiting for me which I find cute.
"I'm pregnant chopper" I said chopper started running around the deck in excited. "Chopper" I said getting his attention "I want to tell luffy first when  I do then I'll tell the crew okay" I said he nodded understanding.

I walked to mine and luffy room I put the pregnancy test underneath my pillow when luffy comes in I will give it. I layed down and fell asleep

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