telling luffy

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Your p.o.v
I woke up I felt arms around me I turned around and saw luffy smiling at me "hello y/n have a good sleep?" Luffy asked tucking a string of hair behind my head.  I  nodded I sat up in the bed witch made luffy sit up to.

"What's wrong y/n are you feeling bad still" luffy asked touched my head having a look of concern on his face. I chuckled at him I pulled his hand away from me. I grabbed both of his hands luffy looked confused "I got something to tell you" I said

Luffy looked heartbroken "you ant going to break up with me are you because if you are I'm sorry for whatever I did I'll do better I promise just don't do that- I interrupted him by kissing him after a few seconds I broke the kiss. I look at luffy he looked relieved

"so does this mean you changed your mind?" He said hopeful in his voice. He can be such an idiot sometimes "luffy I was never going to break up with you." I said  "then what were you going to say" luffy said with a smile on his face.

I sighed loudly I looked at him with loving eyes "luffy you are going to be a father I'm pregnant" I said looking at my stomach then looking at luffy.
Luffy looked stunned "y/n please tell me that again" luffy said. "I'm uh pregnant?" I asked

Luffy slowly got a smile on his face then he jumped off the bed "I gonna to be a farther y/n I can't believe it" luffy said excitedly. I smiled up at him luffy wrapped his arm around my waist and the stretched the other to our door "are you ready?" Luffy asked I nodded then luffy opened our door then slung us to the deck.

We landed on the middle of the deck everyone looking confused "we got announcement" luffy said with a biggest smile iv seen since iv joined the crew almost two years ago.

"What is it" usopp asked turning around from his fishing. Me and luffy looked at each other and smiled "please guys the expense is killing me" Robin said. Me and luffy nodded at each other. "I'm pregnant" I said with a smile.

Everyone started screaming with excitement well sanji fell to the ground saying it should have been him just like he did when we told the crew me and luffy were dating.
Everyone came up to us and congratulated us on the baby.

"I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle" usopp said wiping away a fake tear. I chuckled at his silliness "and I'm going to be an aunt" nami said also wiping away a fake tear. "You guys are ridiculous I swear" i said full on laughing at closest friends on the crew.  "Well you love us anyway y/n" nami said  I nodded with a smile
I saw zoro franky and sanji with luffy talking to him.

Luffy p.o.v
"I can't believe I  thought she was going to break up with me" I said to the guys. "What reason would she have to break up with you anyway?" Sanji asked "I hope nothing she's amazing I'm going to marry her I want to marry her" I said

Everyone stop drinking there sake to look at me. "Are you sure luffy?" Zoro asked  I nodded "absolutely when boa asked to marry her I said no number one I just met her and the number two and biggest reason I didn't love her. I love y/n with my whole being I want to be with her for rest of my life" I said

Everyone looked happy "if it wasn't for usopp to help me realize my feelings for y/n I probably be wondering what's that feeling in my stomach everytime I looked at her witch I still get by the way" I said

"Yeah you gotta thank usopp for helping you out for that" zoro said franky and sanji nodded. "Hey if you want help finding a ring just ask" franky said  I smiled "thank you franky I will" I said.

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