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Chapter 286 Mo Jinnian wakes up

Needless to say, Yu'er doesn't have so many thoughts and always listens to Lan'er.

The fourth princess chose to take her with her when they got married because she was obedient.

He Zhiran didn't know what Lan'er was thinking, so she explained the matter clearly and continued on his way.

On Mo Jiuye's side, the first person to wake up was Brother Qi. The surroundings around him were also dark, but this kind of darkness was nothing to a person with great skills.

Finding that the environment had changed, he did not ask questions immediately, but looked around.

The slight bumping feeling and the sound of horse hooves told him that he was on a carriage.

Next to him are the fourth brother and the sixth brother.

He pushed the fourth brother first.

"Fourth brother, wake up."

The fourth brother was already showing some signs of waking up, but with Mo Yuance's push, he woke up completely.

Mo Jiuye also heard the noise in the carriage and quickly explained: "Fourth brother, seventh brother, don't worry, you are safe now."

Hearing Ninth Brother's voice, the brothers felt completely at ease.

Although they didn't know the specific situation or why they were on the carriage when they woke up, in short, with Ninth Brother here, they were definitely safe.

It was already approaching noon, and the carriage had already entered the next city.

As far as he knew, this was the largest city in southern Xinjiang. It would be dark if they went out.

Even if he is in a hurry, he still has to worry about his wife's health.

He discussed it with He Zhiran and decided to rest in the city for a while and eat something before continuing on his way.

It's best to go out of the city when it's dark. Even if you rest on the carriage, it's safer than in the city.

After all, they don't know when they will receive news of the disappearance of the Emperor of Southern Xinjiang, and they will have to go through a lot of trouble if they want to leave.

According to the plan, the two drove the carriage to a more remote place. Mo Jiuye pretended to go out to buy food, but in fact He Zhiran bought some fast food in space.

The couple opened the carriage respectively. They settled some personal problems first and then started eating.

This is the first meal I've eaten since last night, and I'm still hungry now even though I haven't consumed much.

When Fantuan'er saw his owner, he immediately climbed into her arms and acted like a baby.

The little voice of "Hmm, hmm, hmm" made He Zhiran's heart soften, and she hurriedly hid aside and prepared his favorite food for it.

After eating and drinking, He Zhiran was preparing to make arrangements and continue on his way when there was a noise from Mo Jiuye's side.

"Ninth brother, ninth brother and sister, come quickly, sixth brother is awake." Mo Yuance was obviously a little excited.

Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran hurried over.

The sixth brother's condition was much better than that of the fourth and seventh brothers. He had already sat up, but his eyes were still a little blurry.

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