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Fixing my hair, I make sure i look perfect for the date..
Charlie storms into my room with alot of packages. some of them are labeled, though I cannot make out what they are saying.

"So, I heard that you and Alastor are going on a lil' date, so I just couldn't help but get you some outfits and accessories to help out, 'Cause It's been SO long since Alastor has had a love interest as special as you Angel! Most of 'em just end up in his dinner plate 'cause they just end up irritating lil' old Alastor." She says.
"And since when did you start talking like Rosie?" I put my gold hoop earring down and turn to look at Charlie, who is already going through the boxes, trying to figure out which outfit would look the Best on me.
"Oh you know... I've just been spending a whole lot of time with Rosie! She's an inspiration, and I barely go to Cannibal town other than to see her. They are my People too, and it hurts not to pay my visits to them too!"
I sigh.. Here she goes again with the "They are my People" thing.

"Alright then." I mumble and turn around to try and re-apply my gold hoop earrings.
Charlie takes my hand and flips me around. Then she spreads my arms and starts trying out different clothing infront of my body.
"Hmm.. nope. Nope. Nope. Definetly no!!" She tosses all the "No" clothes to my bed.
"Charlie I can pick the outfit myself you know-"
"No. I can't have you going out looking like..well. that."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN??" I raise my voice, staring at her with a pissed expression.
"See, Angel. You have been wearing those same old clothes for so long! Even when you go out with- whatever moth man, you surely deserve better outfits for a Proper date than whatever that moth guy makes you wear." Charlie keeps on trying outfits on my body.
"Yeah- I guess you're right or whatever-"

It seems as what felt like forever, Charlie finally picked out an outfit for me: a black tight leather dress with spider themed sleeved jacket.

It seems as what felt like forever, Charlie finally picked out an outfit for me: a black tight leather dress with spider themed sleeved jacket

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"Andd there we go!!" Charlie spins me around on my chair. I turn to look at myself on the mirror.
"W-wow..." I admire my outfit.
"Now now Angel! Rosie and Cherri are gonna come help you with your hair and makeup next! Then You are pretty much ready! my job here is pretty much done." She picks up her boxes and leaves the room.

What feels like an eternity, Cherri and Rosie enter the room with a huge box of makeup essentials. I look at the box with horror, as I am just used on using whatever I have on my makeup table. My eyes look up at Cherri who looks beyond excited. Then I switch my look up to Rosie, who is just smiling calmly at me, reassuring that I am in good hands.

"So uhm.. you two May begin?" I say and turn to face the mirror on my Makeup table. Cherri and Rosie dig in and start doing my makeup as flawlessly as possible.

What feels like forever, I finally open my eyes once the settingspray is set, and turn to look at the mirror.
My eyes widen. My face is glowing, my eyeliner is smooth and even, and my whole makeup matches my outfit. I try to touch the small gems on the corner of my eye but Cherri slaps my hand. I just continue to admire my whole look from afar then..

 I just continue to admire my whole look from afar then

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Rosie can't help but shed a couple of tears. She seems super proud of the both of us: me and Alastor. I get up and thank the both of them for their amazing work. I do a couple of swirls in my full outfit, and then put on my black highrise heels. Cherri looks super proud and they make their way out, as I am left in my room, slowly already dancing, admiring myself for the first time in a long while...

As time goes on, I get up as I hear a knock on the door. It's Alastor. He's dressed up in a black suit with a red bowtie. His hair is gel'd straight, and it looks good with the rest of his outfit. I knee down and he does the same, holding a bouquet of dark red flowers wrapped black paper, closed with a tight red ribbon. I take it from his hands and smell the roses. The sweet and comforting aroma from the flowers give me comfort. It also helps me recognize the flowers: Spider Lilies.

I smile at Alastor who looks formal. He stretches out his hand, waiting for my approval.

''shall we go, my dear?'' he asks.

I look at him and back at the flowers. I think for a second and then smile, taking his hand.


We make our way to an expensive restaurant in the ring. Alastor had booked up the most fanciest restaurant on the block, and made his way to get the one closest to the stage so I had the best view of all the performances. I smile at this and sit down, crossing my legs and fixing my dress. Alastor looks up at me and smiles warmly.

A waitress walks to our table, holding a small paper and a pen.

''May I start you two up with something for today's evening?'' They ask, spinning the pencil between their fingers.

''Yes, uhm. I want the deer meat with fried potatoes and side salad. Top it up with red wine, and the meat raw.'' Alastor orders.

I place my order shortly after. The waitress writes everything down and then bows down, heading to the back, where I assume are the kitchens. I sigh and Look at Alastor, who is already looking at me. I blush and Look away. ''That was awkward.'' I thought to myself. I look up at the stage. It's decorated in all kinds of stuff. Like gold and jewels. I then look back at Alastor who seems to be busy, swirling his finger on the menu underneath his hand. I giggle.

This is gonna be a longg night.

(words: 1027. thx for being super patient with this ep- I was lacking SERIOUS energy for writing-)

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