Chapter One: Tears of Joy & Sadness, but mostly Sadness

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/So, I'm new to all of this writing stuff, so plz go easy on meh! If you find any errors, plz write a comment and tell me what it is!/

C.Gs P.V.O

Everything was fine and dandy, well if you consider moving away from your best friends that you knew since Kindergarden and finding out that your boyfriend cheated on you WITH one of your best friends, fine and dandy.
"Hey ya little Misfit, go grab me a beer from the fridge!" Yelled my 27 year old brother, Alex. Her graduated college last year and crushed my mom and dads hopes of him being forever gone in there life by saying, "I'm moving in with you!!!!"
"Hey Ya little douche, we don't have a dang fridge!" I snap back.
"Oh. Yeeeeeeeeeeeee, forgot!" Like, seriously! How did he graduate collage?! I was eleven years younger than him and I am 10 times smarter!
"So, liking Minnesota?" Alex asked.
"Ha! Like you'd care."
"Oh ya! Thanks for reminding me! I DON'T!" To be honest, it really wasn't what I needed in my dramatic life. I remember the day I left Ohio... Worst day ever.


I opened my eyes. The sun was shining, birds were chirping and everything was beautiful as always. I Skyped up my BFFs, Emma Roberts and Molly Osborn, to ask if they wanted to go to the mall. "So, wanna hang out at the mall later?" I asked.
"Sure." Molly replied.
"Sorry, can't. My family is going out for brunch." Said Emma with an apologetic face. I swear I saw a tinge of guilt locked in her bright blue eyes.
"Oh, hey Misfit." My father said. Misfit was his way of saying, honey, or C.G. "Today is such a great day, that I have some greater news!"
"I'm on the dang phone!" I skreech.
"Awwwww, looking here! The Misfit is on her period!" Muttered Alex loudly.
"Douche. Sorry dad, what is the news?"
"Where moving to Minnesota."
"WHAT THE HELL?!" I stomp VERY loudly to my room and faceplant on my twin sized mattress.
"You okay?" Asked Molly.
"NOOOOOOOO! IM MOVING! MOVING! OUT OF ALLLLLLLLLLL POSSIBLE THINGS THAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED, I HAVE TO MOOOOOOVE?!" I scream into the phone. I looked at both of them and Molly's face held a sad, gloomy tear filled look whilst Emma looked realived. I hung up and cried in my pillow for hours.

I grabbed my Trek Bike and hopped on. "Hey, Misfit!" Yelled my mom near the door. "Where you going?"
"Mall with Molly." I mutter back.
I speed off hearing my mom yelling, "Come back NEVER!"

"Hey, C.G, you okay?" Said Molly, looking concerned. Molly was one of the nicest girls in the whole entire world. She was pretty to, but she tried to beat it down with ragged jeans and baggy pants.
"No, to be frank," I say back, looking through a rack of clothing at Sears. "I'm moving away from my best friends! And not to mention, my boyfriend." Molly looked sort of painned. "Are you okay? You've been acting a bit off."
"Oh. Yeah. Sorry."
"Hey, let's eat our little hearts out." I suggest. "Auntie Ann's?"
"Sure!" No one can deny Auntie Ann's. No one.

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