Drama Drama Drama...

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Liam hurried and cleaned himself up and got out the bathroom stall before the bell rung. He reached the gym floor as the bell rung for the next class. He doesn't see Jason. He's probably already out in the hallway. To Liam's relief.

He walks out into he hallway and waits for Zayn. Next class is drama. And he finally has it with Zayn.

Liam waits outside the gym as other kids go on there way, passing him or going into the gym. He even sees that girl Vanessa, passing him into the gym. She gives him a flirtatious smile. But where is Zayn?

Finally, he sees Zayn jogging up the hallway towards Liam. Liam smiles.

"Hey! Where have you been? I was worried." Liam expresses as Zayn comes up to Liam.

"Sorry Li, I was dealing with a friend." Zayn says with a serious face. But then it lightens up with a smile. "How about we get to class before we're late again?" He smiles.

Nicknames? Have they grown so fond of each other to have nicknames already? Liam had butterflies at the sound of it.

They arrive to the drama class a short time later as the bell rings.

It doesn't look like the other class rooms. There's an elevated floor that seems to be a stage and there are props and costumes on the walls. Curtains hanging from the ceiling acting like walls in certain parts of the classroom. There are round tables and stools to sit on. Even some bean bag chairs in the back.

"This is the drama classroom?" Liam asks, astonished of what he sees.

"Why yes. This is the drama classroom!" A voice says to the side of them.

He sees a young, stoutly but quirky man standing to the side of them. Smiling standing up straight with his legs together. He doesn't have the best wardrobe either.

"My name is Mr.Hamlington, but you can address me by what you think my outfit is expressing." Mr.Hamlington says.

"Umm, a hippie?" Liam suggests. I mean, the man is wearing a tie died shirt with shorts and sandals and an incredibly real wig with a fake cigarette.

"Address me a 'Duuuuude'. Kay?" He says in a hippie type voice.

"Um, okay.." Liam laughs slightly. This guy's a weirdo, but Liam thinks he's going to have a lot of fun in this class and he's looking forward to it.

"Why don't you two join the other classmates? Class has begun!" Mr.Hamlington offers with a dramatic ending to his last remark.

Liam and Zayn walk further into the class. Liam knew nobody in here. Maybe Zayn knew.

"Hey Zayn, you know anybody in here?" Liam says whispers in Zayn's ear.

"Not really. I've seen a few faces in here but I haven't really talked to anyone in here." Zayn replies.

The bean bag chairs on the other side of the room Liam saw aren't occupied.

"Here, let's go to the bean bags." Liam suggests to Zayn.

Zayn smiles. They walk through the middle of the room, others in the room too busy chatting to care what's going on. Liam sees a really pretty girl. She looks Spanish. She sees him and smiles politely at him Liam pulls a quick smile before focusing where he is walking.

Liam and Zayn finally reach the bean bag chairs and set their bags down before sitting.

Liam sees Mr.Hamlington get up on their classroom stage.

"Okay everybody! As some of you may know, my name is Mr.Hamlington. But you will address me as 'Duuuuude' for today. My outfits change everyday as so will my name. This is a drama class a-k-a acting a-k-a being another character other than yourself! So that means you express yourself in every which way. Go out of the box and be fun, goofy, scary! We will do so everyday. This is a drama class but that does not mean you will start or bring drama into this class. You're old enough to know what that means I take it so moving on." Mr.Hamlington walks around the stage as he talks. He's very energetic.

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