The one big decision

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Today began like any other. I woke up at 6 in the morning so I went for a run,  I am a creature of habit so my route consists of the same twists ant turns I had been following since freshman year. The route that that lead me one and a half miles to her house. The two story brick and window masterpiece her dad had designed almost half a decade ago. I felt as if I was moving in slow motion as my eyes scanned the building, the garage was open and a dog came running out straight at me on instinct I stopped and dropped to a knee letting the Rottweiler knock me over and lick me all over. "Howdy Lordy, how have you been?"  I let this huge thing sniff all over me and dodged his tail because when he got excited he started to spin around. I heard a voice and looked up "Lord, No, Here, Oh my goodness I am so sorry sweetie he's friendly I ..." Mrs. Bancoa trailed off as she noticed my smile and trailed off and my attention shifted entirely back to the dog in my lap.

Mr. Bancoa rescued Lord from drug smugglers when we were 10 years old, he was a cop, and his wife was a softy for anyone with loving eyes so this beast fit right in. All you have to do was speak in a monotone voice and not get to high pitched or deep, which was fine, because I have dignity and don't feel the need to make funny voices.

"Milly?" I looked up at the woman who practically raised me and couldn't help but smile, "Hi Mrs B, how have you been?" she looked me up and down and rolled her eyes with a contagious smile. "Same old same old, do you know what time it is young lady?"  I couldn't help but grin as I prepared myself for her for a lecture, but luckily we got interrupted "Mom, where's my  good bra? Who's that? Did Lord get out again?". I looked up and met blue eyes from 50 yards away, Bella Bancoa, the girl I learned love for. Stared back at the dogs black coat trying not to picture Bella in that good bra but got smacked in the head, "hey, kiddo, school starts in an hour and you smell like  pig, get to going." I tipped my imaginary hat to her and ran off with a smirk as I felt eyes following me I looked back one final time to Bella watching me from the edge of her garage while her mom ushered her and Lord in. 

It was not until I made it home I remembered that I had run in nothing but a bra and shorts with my hard earned abs on display, I smirked and decided to believe that she had been looking at me when I locked eyes with her because I was very, very desperate.

I got home to an empty house, my brother was already off with his girlfriend and my parents were never home, so I blasted the music got in the shower and zoned out as I prepared for the first day back. By the time I got out it was already time for school to start. I was late to homeroom, I tired to find it in myself to care but for some reason I just couldn't. 

I walked through the door with five minutes left in the period and was pleasantly surprised. Sitting in a corner of the dull room were my favorite people, McKinley, Olivia, Willow and Thomas, the people that dragged me out from rock bottom by scruff of my neck and threw me into real life. "Livy!" I ran up to her and she squealed and jumped into my arms "Mel!", I spun her around and she pretended to kiss me all over. "Hey hey hey, get your hands off my girl", Thomas grabbed his girlfriend from me and set her down then gave me a small hug "Good to see you Melisa" I flinched when I heard my full name and forced a smile "Nice to see you again Thomas.", Thomas had joined our little crusade last year when he and Liv became an item, but he never really clicked with me but that was fine "Milly!!!", because I clicked with him, "Mickey" he wrapped me in his arms and spun me slowly, I buried my head in his shoulder "Ahh, I missed you girly." He picked me up and lifted me above his head, "Down hockey boy, no consent", he rolled his eyes and dropped me putting his arms around my shoulder "What do you say?" I glared at him and looked around to see where Livi was and why she wasn't saving me, it was because she busy saving her tongue from Thomas's mouth. I turned my attention back towards the dude poking me on the head, "Fine, Mick you win. I missed you too.", he put his arms up and cheered "she does love me". I got lucky because right then the bell rang and we got our cue to leave, "All yall, out of my class room" I was startled to see Mr. Colbert, he was a chill person who thought homeroom was stupid, as we walked out the door I realized i was glad he was our teacher.

Social studies was my first period, I had Mrs Bookly, she was like 90 something years old and a very slow talker. Thomas was the only friend of mine in this class, I knew everyone there but didn't have the energy to talk with any of them, hell, I didn't have the energy to pay attention to her so I fell asleep. Then I had second period Econ with Thomas and Mick, so I talked to those two. But mostly Mick, I didn't love Thomas and he barley tolerated me.But there was a new girl in that class, Veronica Talbot, and she was hot.

My third period was Spanish with Ms Smith was Livi and I , Livi, me and Veronica. Of course I was sat next to her. I watched her for a moment then leaned back in my chair with a smile. "What do I call you?", she turned to me with a smirk as wide as my own, "Beautiful, hot, sexy, elegant. Or you could be boring and call me Ronnie", game recognizes game, "Sexy it is. Because nothing nothing about me is boring." She recovered well from fluster but I knew I got her. "Not boring? I might have to see some proof ." I pulled her chair and mine right next to each other so our faces were inches apart, "challenge excepted Sexy."

In PE I was pleasantly surprised with my classmates, many of them were teammates of mine from last year though soccer tryouts were still two months away. Lots of other teams were here two, Thomas and my brother were on the  football team, Mick was too but he was hanging out with his hockey teammates, he also played baseball but those guys didn't go to gym. The girls and boys basketball teams were here. Then there was my favorite team, the volleyball team, I'm pretty sure they had tryouts coming up so as Livi and I ran laps around the gym we, well I watched as the team lifted weights. As Bella laughed along to a joke I wish I heard while she spotted someone on her team. But for the first time I was torn, torn between watching Bella help someone, or watch Ronnie lift a bar up and down with no need for help.

"Mrs Paul is exactly as advertised" "looney old bat bitch" Livi pointed at me "facts" we broke down in giggles. "You cannot complain about some random math teacher when you two have the class together". Turns out I had Calculus with Livi as well, but our teacher was right out of school yet dressed and looked as old as Mrs Bookly and I knew from the moment I walked in it would be impossible not to mock her. Now the four of us sat around a table in the back of the classroom waiting for instructions. "Hey, listen up" the whole class slowly began to get quieter until the conversation started to lag entirely. "By the end of this semester you will complete a portrait of an assigned partner, an essay of  how art influenced your partner" Hannah, a right defender for varsity soccer raised her hand, "do we get to pick our partners?" I saw the wheel begin to spin Mrs. Bancoa's but as everyone looked at her I looked at her daughter. What a great decision that was; Bella Bancoa took one look at her mother and groaned laying her hand in her head and I cursed knowing what was coming. "I was going to tell you today, but, it is my job to teach you virtue, now since patience is a virtue I believe we should wait till Friday to find out, and every time I get asked I will push it back a week" I smiled and immediately shot my hand up. Just as Mrs. Bancoa  layed her eyes on me Mick pined my arms to the side and Livi jumped on the table  sliding in front of me trying to block me from view. The whole class collectively screamed at me, I laughed, and as I looked around I saw Bella laugh too. We locked eyes for a moment then I looked away.

After a that the day was over I gathers my stuff and prepared to leave, as I walked past I saw Bella at her locker and Ronnie staring to walk out to the parking lot. In that moment I made a choice and ran after Ronnie. I stopped right next to her and she turned to me with a smile, "Hey Sexy, need a ride?". She threw me a cocky smirk, "I thought you'd never ask". 

I had a good time dropping her of and was sure of my decision then and there. I was going to get over Bella Bancoa. Even if it kills me...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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