A Mistake

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Trollex was just swimming around the Royal garden, filled with growing underwater plants. And live creatures living in it too, small fish using the plants as a hiding spot and food source, Trollex doesn't mind them using the garden as he doesn't really need it, but they do.

When all of a sudden when he looked in his right, a dark blur was spotted by Trollex that was obviously moving in rapid speed, outside the Techno reef.

Trollex's mind raced with thoughts, 'is this a threat?' 'What does it want?' 'Is it gonna attack soon?'

Snapping out if his thoughts, he starts swimming to outside the reef, the part of the reef he was going out from didn't have anyone watching which could easily be a sneak entrance

'Need to place some guards on watch there when I get back' he noted in his mind as he swims out into the open ocean

Trollex has never been outside the reef, only when Barb came and took their string and that was just on land, the ocean however, he's never ventured into.

Despite the Techno trolls made for UNDERWATER. They're scared of the open ocean

Ever since they learned about the history of bergans between the pop trolls, and history of giant snakes between the country trolls. They've been terrified of getting found or eaten by a giant creature of something similar

Not to mention the history of giants between the rock trolls, but instead of being eaten, they torture and slowly kill them by taking their music.. Draining their life in the process.

So they stay strictly in the reef, though if anyone knew of Trollex leaving, they would have been basically grounding him as he's the youngest of the tribe leaders only just turning 20, and Techno trolls deeply care about each other as it's in their natural instincts.

Anyways back to conscious, Trollex took a slow deep breath as he begins swimming forward away from the reef with a fast pace

If this is a threat that he saw then he's hoping to be able to make a truce with it before it strikes an attack

He swam close to where he saw the blur, close to a rough rock wall, Techno reef out of Trollex's sight, meaning he was out of sight as well, he was a half distance away from the rock wall and looked behind him

When of all of a sudden something moving rapidly, the same blur! Only except..

It was moving towards him

Before Trollex could even react, the blur smacked him into the rock wall, a bit of his blood spewed out from the impact with the rough texture, not to mention how hard the impact was..

Trollex yelped loudly in pain as he held head, where it hurt, though everywhere hurt for the Techno troll. His shoulder, his tail, his whole body

He was trying to keep himself from curling up in instinct, whenever a Techno troll gets hurt and it hurts badly, they curl up in instinct, it doesn't make it worse or better but it's only in instinct, though most Techno trolls have this instinct when they're little and slowly grow out of it.

Trollex apparently was only just growing out of it since he was still young

Trollex whimpered in pain as it got worse, his vision beginning to blur at a fast pace..

The last thing Trollex heard was a 'oh god- no no no!' From someone else.. It wasn't anyone he was familiar with? And he felt someone's arms around him, they felt different from Techno trolls...? Then his vision blacked out

Some time later


ollex's eyes were struggling to open, so it was slow to wake up but he managed to do so, he groaned in pain as it was still there, not as strong as it was before but still strong

He looked at his arms as it was the first thing he noticed was the bandages wrapped around him, covering some of the rainbow stripes on each of his arms.

Trollex tried to move but that only caused him to yelp in pain, he felt small at this point. He was injured, and sounded like a guppy

"Easy there.. You'll only make the pain worse" Trollex heard a male voice say, which made Trollex flinch pretty hard causing him to whimper in even more pain, 'god why did I have be so weak?' Trollex thought

Trollex's eyes widen when he realized who the male voice belonged to, a shark troll, and he looked like the blur that injured him! Trollex is most likely in his home and the Techno troll was defenseless!

"Hey hey hey-! I'm not gonna hurt you! Not now anyways- uhm.. I didn't know that you were a Techno troll which are usually harmless and thought you were a h-hostile creature so uh-" the shark troll tried to explain, stammering over some of his words

As the shark troll was busy explaing and struggling on choosing words, Trollex observed his appearance, the shark troll had orange hair and he had a scar over his eye, it didn't look like his eye was blind so it was probably something minor.

Trollex however, still felt unease and scared. How can he trust this troll? After he was the reason of him being injured and in pain every second..

Oh, pain..

Trollex forgot about the pain when he was observing the shark troll's appearance and he was in so much PAIN. It was basically torture, the impact was pretty hard so it'll most likely last a few hours

He felt pain every second, Trollex shut his eyes closed, he was trying not to curl up but in the position he was currently in, he failed and curled up

The shark troll noticed this and felt even more guilty, he honestly thought that Trollex was another creature that was a threat so he thought doing what he was gonna do was necessary.

Oh how he didn't think about identifying the creature beforehand because now he has to hold this guilt as he injured a Techno troll, trolls who don't do any harm and honestly are very friendly

"If it helps to distract you from the pain- uh.. We can introduce ourselves!" Suggested the shark troll "I'll go first uhm- my name is Thek, I'm 21, uh- I live alone, my tribe is extinct-" Thek shared and said the last part oddly casually.

"You tribe is what-" Trollex said in disbelief, lifting his head up to face Thek, Thek's home definitely not the best as it was just a cave, geez how does Thek sleep like this?

"Extinct-?" Thek said nervously, nervously smiling as he just realized that he said the last part oddly casually like it's a very day thing

Trollex just stared at him blankly with a 'wth' face, it was silence

Then Trollex decided to break the silence "I guess I'll introduce myself.. I'm 20, My name is Trollex- King of Techno re-" "YOU'RE A KING?!" Thek interrupted in shock, Trollex blankly stared at Thek in silence.

"..Yea..?" Trollex said a bit quietly

"Damn I'm gonna get executed after this" Thek just straight out said

"No you're no- OW!" Trollex said aloud, but ended up adding more pain, apparently raising his voice can cause pain as well, Trollex held his head that was in pain, Thek started panicking inside and tried figuring what to do

"Uhm- maybe we should stop talking so I don't accidentally make you raise your voice-?" Thek suggested, wishing he could do more to help the fellow Techno troll. Trollex just nodded slowly.

Thek sighed and slowly swam next to Trollex, "I'm really sorry for injuring you, it was a mistake and still is- I-i hope this never happens again" Thek apologized

Trollex smiled at his apology and nodded slowly, he wasn't curled up anymore much to his own relief.

Trollex began closing his eyes as he was tired, but then shot them open when he realized that no one knows where he went and they're probably panicking right now!

"Wait-! MY TRIBE-! OUCH!" Trollex hissed in pain, he tried to get up(or swim up) but Thek gently grabbed him

"Easy there-!" Called Thek, "You're still healing, I'll take you there but promise me you'll take it easy on yourself?" Thek said calmly, waiting for Trollex's answer, though didn't have to wait long as Trollex immediately nodded

"Alright, let's go"

Royal Guard [] a Trollex x OC fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now