A Special Night

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It's cold... yet I feel warm, It's dark... yet I feel peace, It's deep... yet I feel one with it. It's strange... to think something like this, this thing that I feel one with.. will also be the one that will wash away everything that I have been protecting for the last centuries. I feel useless yet at the same time used. Will "Mirror-me" really succeed? it has been 300 years already...will I have to wait another 100 years? I haven't found a clue to stop this prophecy, nor have I seen the most 'Magnificent Trial' there is, it's all boring, and nothing is interesting in all the trials lately.. when will I be free? I feel like a puppet being controlled, and forced to act as Focalors, as if strings are attached to every part of my body, I want to run and be free... but something is pulling me to the depth, keeping me there, locking me up.. but at the same time, I brought this upon myself, I accepted this role and I shall endure it until the prophecy is stopped. Ah... I'm tired, when will this end?

"H-hey! Are you alright!?" huh? who is tha- "..." Ah.. a diver.

We looked at each other for a while, he seemed to not recognize me. "ah. I'm fine" I answered with a smile, he looked at me stunned, maybe because I spoke while under the water with no gadget that could help me to speak or breathe. nonetheless, he snaps out of his consciousness and I guess fixes his composure, quite funny if you think of it actually. "a-ah! Great Hydro Archon, I apologize if I disturb you." He apologized with a bit of a blush on his cheek... "cute" I spoke without thinking, how embarrassing I thought to myself. I looked at his reaction and confirmed he heard what I said, having such a tomato face. "Let's go to the shore, yes?" "ah.. y-yes.." he answered still red as a tomato.







We were sitting by the shore, enjoying the serene view when he asked me, "So... why is the Hydro Archon under the water? I thought you were a civilian drowning..."I smiled and replied, "Oh, I just wanted to have peace of mind."He apologized for disturbing me, but I reassured him that it was much more fun to talk to someone, and he didn't have to apologize for anything.As we sat there, I looked at him, and his eyes shone so bright that I could see my reflection. I had never seen someone's eyes so alive in this world before. Even though the moon was shining, his eyes were the brightest thing I could see.We stared at each other without speaking for a while, and then he spoke up. "I-it's getting dark, Lady Focalors. We should head back."I corrected him, "Furina, call me Furina. My real name is Furina, and please drop the 'lady'."He looked at me, and I could see his face shining even brighter. "My name is Evros, Evros Cárdenas. I'm honored to know the real name of the greatest Archon," he said, smiling.That night was the most special night I've ever had. I felt a connection with Evros that I had never felt before. The peace of mind I had been seeking was replaced by the joy of having someone to talk to.











I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a sense of disorientation and confusion. As I looked up at the ceiling, I realized that I had been dreaming. I shifted my gaze towards the window and saw that the moon was shining bright. But my thoughts were elsewhere. My mind was occupied by a single thought- him. The way he shone so brightly in my life, and how much I missed him.Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face, one after another, until I was a crying mess. I was overcome with emotions, and couldn't help but wonder why I felt this way. I couldn't hate him for leaving me, I knew it was his time, and nobody can predict their end. Yet, I still missed him so much. It had been 200 years since he left, and I was still waiting for his return. He had promised to come back, but as time went by, it seemed like he never would.As the night wore on, I continued to cry, not caring if anyone heard me. The Melusine or the guard, it made no difference. The dream had brought back memories of the past I had tried so hard to forget.All I wanted was for him to come back, but he never did. I couldn't help but wonder what I was doing wrong. I cried out for a sign, something to tell me that he was still out there somewhere. But no answer came, and I was left alone with my thoughts.I looked back at the window, and saw that the moon wasn't shining as brightly as before. It was as if it had lost its glow, just like me. Maybe it was because he was gone, and with him, the light in my life.









The moon lit up the night sky, casting a pale glow across the dark waves, as a group of people prepared to set sail. A young, petite boy expressed his concerns about the journey, stating that he didn't think it was the best night to sail. His father, the leader of the group, asked why he thought that, and the boy replied that the waves were slowing down. He warned that in just a minute, the waves would become big and violent, attacking any boats or ships that dared to disturb the mourning of the Hydro Archon.An energetic boy asked Freminet, the petite boy, where he had learned this. Freminet explained that he had heard the legend that when the Hydro Archon mourns, the waves slow down, and a minute later, waves become uncontrollable, causing ships to sink. But it was their "Father" who questioned Freminet further, asking him if he was positive that the Hydro Archon was mourning right at that moment.Freminet answered with confidence, explaining that the Hydro Archon, like the Hydro Dragon, is a divine being connected to the waters. He went on to say that the waters reflected the Hydro Archon's emotions, and he was sure that the current violentness of the waves indicated that the Hydro Archon was mourning.The group then discussed how the water was beautiful, like Lady Furina, yet mysterious at the same time. A certain cat girl even remarked that the water looks like it reflected the emotions of the Hydro Archon, just like how a mirror reflects one's emotions. They all agreed that it was both fascinating and mysterious.The energetic boy became jealous of Freminet's knowledge of legends and asked him to tell them all. However, their father reminded the boy not to push Freminet too much. She then instructed everyone to follow Freminet's advice and not sail that night. She did not want anything bad to happen to any of them.The group followed their "Father's" instructions and set sail on a different night. It was a wise decision because, as Freminet had predicted, the waves became violent just as they had feared. Before leaving, Freminet made sure to look at the sea to express his concern.







"Hydro Ruler, Hydro Ruler, Don't Cry"


Credits: "Credit to DaichuuYashiro for creating the amazing Freminet fanart and to lemon3squash for their fantastic Furina fanart!

Note: It is noteworthy that I made this particular fan-created narrative in which Freminet's ancestor is portrayed as a close companion of Furina from the past, which could explain Freminet's apparent knowledge of Fontaine's legends. However, it is essential to keep in mind that this is a work of fiction and should not be taken too seriously. And just to clarify, the Freminet fanart is supposed to be Evros.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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