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We getting some different POVs 👀
And some... romance drama? 🫢

"What do you think is going to happen?"

Digging through his suitcase, "'What do you think is going to happen' with what?" Doyoung asks, not bothering to move from where he crouches in front of his hotel bed.

The younger flops onto the elder's bed, arms folded on the edge of the the bed, head laid atop. "About Yuta, about Taro and Sungchanie."

He glances up to Donghyuck before he stands up with his pajamas, not bothering to hide as he gets changed, they've all seen each other. "I think whatever the company wants, probably to get him out, that Yuta can convince them to let him stay... he can be very convincing." He reassures.

Donghyuck sighs, turning over to lay on his back, starfished on the bed. "But he's doesn't have us, any of us. What if he can't convince them? The company's going to be hard on him; him having to skip out on the rest of the tour, and probably more, the company having to keep silent despite all the questions... the twins. It would be hard to convince them to keep him, they already haven't cared too much about him anyway." Doyoung walks by his field of vision. "How can we be NCT without him?"

"We won't be. Yuta will always be with NCT and vice versa." The firmness in the elders voice has Donghyuck sit up, watching him. He says nothing as he watches the other plug in his phone, tidying up his things before lifting the bed cover and sliding in, "Get off." He shoves the younger with his foot.

Turning off the lights, Donghyuck slides under the sheets of his own bed, staring at the ceiling. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the older turn away from him onto his side. He waits a few minutes, a question itching on the tip of his tongue, wondering whether he should ask it or not. "Hyung," he'll go for it, he's been needing to know. "What do you think of Yuta?"

Doyoung remains silent, the younger thinking for a moment that maybe he was asleep already, until his voice was quiet as he answers him, "What do I think of him? What do you mean?"

He's only quiet for a moment before clarifying, "Are you in love with him?" Donghyuck is... not entirely sure he wants the answer, not when he himself is not sure if he himself would be able to answer his own question: am I? Any am I only noticing it now? What if it's a in the moment type of thing? Especially since we're tied by Sungchan, it could just be some feelings for now, and I don't really like him... but what if I do? Have I already been in love with him?

However, Doyoung's answer doesn't surprise him. "Yea... I think I am." The older closes his eyes, waiting for the teasing, knowing the younger's nature. He waits a moment, nothing comes, he waits another moment, opening his eyes, turning onto his back, looking at Donghyuck who stares at the ceiling. "You're not going to make fun of me? Tease me?" He questions, suspicious of the lack of mockery.


Something's off. Doyoung sits up, looking at the other. Maybe... "What do you think of Yuta?" He waits a second before going for the question, "Are you in love with him?" Thinking back on it... he wouldn't be too surprised, everyone thinks he has a thing for Mark, but ever since Yuta and Mark got closer during Kick It, Donghyuck's seemed, jealous, of the sorts. Whether he was jealous of the the Japanese being all over Mark, or of Mark having Yuta's attention, they couldn't figure it out. Does he have actual feelings for him?

"I...." Doyoung leans a bit to hear clearer, despite the empty room letting even a whisper be heard as loud as can be. Donghyuck sighs, "I don't know? I don't know if it's just a, 'in the moment' thing because we have a permanent bond now with Sungchanie, or if I actually feel something that's not just temporary. I'm... confused."

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