Pinky Promise

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The journey to Juelz's house was a fairly short one, however, enjoyable still. After sweating your way through the tight neighborhood, you'd pass this small meadow, something most people probably wouldn't blink an eye at. 

But Romeo did. Romeo loved watching the speedy little hummingbirds flutter from cactus to cactus, squeaking at their fellow bird friends as they passed one another. If he squinted his eyes, Romeo could see silhouettes of cattle munching on the grass further down the meadow. Sometimes, usually during spring, they'd travel to the front surface, and Juelz would always beg Romeo to take him there so he could pet them. 

"Hey Romeo!" a rosy voice called, snapping Romeo out of his thoughts. 

Turning away from the beautiful view, Romeo was met with a heave of sunlight smacking him in the face, and a girl walking toward him. He plastered on a smile, greeting the girl with a small wave. "Hey, Ella. How're you?"

Ella, a girl who lived on Romeo's block, flashed him a smile as she tugged at the sleeve of her white t-shirt. "I'm great! What are you doing out here?"

Romeo smiled into the distance, leaning his elbows against the rusty fence behind him. "Just waiting for Juelz. You?"

"Oh! I'm just— I was going to, uhm— I don't know, actually," she laughed awkwardly, dusting her hands off on her plaid dress. "My dad just wanted me out of the house, I guess."

Oh. Glancing at her, a pang of sympathy hit Romeo in his chest. He gave her a small smile. "Has he been giving you a hard time recently?"

She nodded. "Yeah... It's fine though! Probably just the summer heat."

You and I both know that's not true. Romeo bit his lip, averting his gaze elsewhere. "I'm throwing a birthday party soon, you should come. It's nothing special, just my family and stuff. But it'll be fun!" he blurted out, laughing when one of the cows mooed in agreement. 

Face brightening, Ella grinned. "That sounds awesome! I'll be there." She gazed off into the distance for a moment, fidgeting with a strand of her dark brown hair before hesitantly adding, "Is— is Juelz gonna be there..?"

Right as Romeo was about to open his mouth with an answer, Juelz appeared from the shadows, glancing between the two of them with furrowed brows. Juelz! Romeo grinned, eagerly waving at him. 

Juelz gave Ella a mere nod of acknowledgment before walking over to Romeo, claiming his spot right next to him. "Hi."

Clearing her throat, Ella drew a strand of dark brown hair behind her ear. "So, I guess I'll see you August 12th?" 

"Yeah, I'll see you there!" Romeo called out with a smile. 

Right before she turned to leave, Ella glanced at Juelz with a puzzled smile. "Bye, Juelz!"

Juelz stared at her, his face blank. He kept his mouth shut until Ella was far out of sight. Then, he turned to Romeo. "Why is she coming to your birthday?"

Slightly confused, Romeo glanced at Juelz. "Why do you ask? And how do you even know I invited her—"

"August 12th. Why the fuck would you invite some random bi— girl, and not me?"

Wait what? How'd she know my birthday... "I wasn't—

"I don't feel like hanging out. Bye." Juelz turned on his heels and left, small clouds of red dust appearing from underneath his ragged Converse. Converse Romeo had drawn on.

Standing there, almost frozen in place, Romeo gaped at a running Juelz. In a way, Romeo knew he shouldn't be surprised. He'd known Juelz longer than today, and he knew Juelz had a bit of a... tendency, sometimes. However, was it truly just a tendency? It was strange, honestly. Romeo would always make sure Juelz knew how much he meant to him, because that was the truth; in these lousy summer days where nothing mattered, Juelz did matter. 

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