Set start of season 6.
Upton's POV:
"Mimi." I bend down beside my 5 year old daughter, "wake up possum."
She whines and rolls over, "me feel sick."
"Let me feel your head baby." I place my hand on her forehead, it feels really warm, "yeah baby, you're hot. I'm just going to call Grampy Hank and see if I can stay home ok?"
She nods and I exit her room. I call Voight.
"Upton?" He answers
"Hey sarge. Uh, Miriam has a fever and is sick, could i stay home to watch her. Just put me in as a sick day so the team isn't worried?" I ask
"Sure. I'll swing by after work to check in." He replies
"Alright, thanks." I end the call.
I head back into Miriam's room. She is holding her tummy.
"Does your tummy hurt baby?" I ask
She nods, crying. I lift her up and tuck her blanket around her. I carry her out to the kitchen and get her some tylenol. I give her a dose, much to her disgust and go lay on the couch. I check my phone as Mimi cuddles me. I have a missed call from Trudy and a message from Jay. I check Jay's message. He asked how I was feeling. I tell him just a little under the weather. I call Trudy back. She answers.
"Hey, Hank told me Mims is under the weather." She answers
"Yeah, she's ok. Fever. Sore tummy." I reply
"Alright, I have to go. I might swing by with Hank later, Randall is on shift tonight." She replies
"Ok, bye." I end the call.
I take a nap with Mimi. I wake up and don't see her.
"Miriam?" I call
"Mommy!" She cries out
I run into the bathroom where she is and see her standing by the toilet, puke down her shirt.
"Oh baby." I bend down, "did you get it all out!"
She nods. I clean up her face and remove her shirt and pants. I carry her down to her room. I get her changed and carry her back out to the main room. I wrap her up in a blanket and pace with her softly till she calms down. Once she calms down, I go to sit down. I stop when I hear a knock on the door. It's only 2. I go and answer it. Jay is standing there.
"Jay, uh hi." I stutter as he sees Miriam.
"Hey Hails, Voight said you were sick. Thought I'd swing by." He asks, looking at Mimi.
"Uh yeah. Come in." I murmur softly
"So, who's this?" He asks as he closes the door.
"Uh, my daughter. Shoes off by the door." I tell him
He removes his shoes and we sit on the couch.
"Daughter?" He asks, "how old?"
"Miriam. She's 5." I tell him as we sit on the couch, "mostly call her Mims or Mimi."
Miriam stirs, "mommy? Who this?"
"This is Jay, I work with him. Can you say hi?" I ask her
"Hi JayJay." Mimi mumbles
"Hi Mimi." Jay waves.
"How you feeling Bub?" I ask Mimi
"Better." She whispers
I feel her forehead and see her fever has broken, "your fever has broken baby."
"Can I give JayJay a hug?" Mimi asks
"Uh, uh, sure," I reply, shocked as Miriam crawls onto his lap and cuddles him.
Jay holds her tight. He puts an arm around me.
"Why you looked shocked?" Jay asks
"She never gives people hugs like that. Not even Hank or Trudy." I explain
"Maybe I'm special." Jay chuckles as I cuddle into him.
Exhausted, I fall asleep.

Jay's POV:
I look down and see both Mimi and Hailey asleep. I message Voight.

Voight: Halstead, where are you?
Halstead: I went to check in on Hailey, she and Mimi are ok, yes I know about her. They are currently both asleep on me. Alright if I stay a while?
Voight: alright. We're just doing paperwork now. I'll let the team know you're just looking after her.
Halstead: thanks Sargent,

I put my phone away and cuddle them. I really need to act on my feelings towards Hailey. I sit there for a while until Hailey wakes.
"Oh, crap, did I fall asleep?" She asks
"Yeah, it's ok. Voight gave me the rest of the day off." I reply
Mimi is still asleep on me.
"Ok, that's just adorable." Hailey smiles
I chuckle softly, "where's her room, I'll go lay her down."
I lift Mimi up and Hailey guides me down a hall. I lay Mimi in her bed. I close the door with the light off. I head back out to Hailey. She is laying down on the couch. I walk over and lift her back up and sit behind her. She sits up. We stare at each other before I kiss her. She kisses back. I smile softly.
"You don't know how long I've wanted that." She whispers
"Same." I reply, "shall I take you on a date?"
"Hank and Trudy are coming round tonight. Does that work?" She asks
"Sure," I reply.
Hailey checks her phone, "nevermind, they are leaving 21st now."
I nod. We cuddle for a little while till there is a knock at the door. Hailey gets up and answers the door.
She comes back in followed by Voight and Platt.
"Hey Sargent's." I greet.
"Halstead." They reply.
"Mims is out cold. She cuddled up to Jay and went out like a light." Hailey tells them
"Wow." Hank exclaims
"Yeah." Hailey replies, "uh, more serious topic. Jay and I want to head out for drinks. You guys alright to watch her?"
"Sure," Trudy smiles, "stay out as long as you like. I can tell it is more than drinks. I can take her to mine,"
"I've got to go. Have a good night." Hank leaves as Hailey smiles at Trudy
"Thanks Trudy!" Hailey replies as Mimi wanders out.
"JayJay, you're still here." She murmurs as she runs towards me
"Hey muffin." I lift her up.
"Hey possum, you wanna sleep over with Trudy?" Hailey asks her
"Yay!" Mimi giggles, "JayJay help me make bag?"
"Sure," I carry her down to her room.
I put her down and go to her dresser. She brings me a bag and I put her pyjamas in it, a spare change of clothes, and a plush animal. I carry the bag out as Mimi holds my hand. I pass Trudy the bag as Mimi puts her shoes on.
"Bye mommy," Mimi hugs Hailey
"Bye possum, be good for Trudy." Hailey tells her
"Bye JayJay." Miriam hugs me
"Bye Mims." I reply as Trudy leads her out.
"I'm going to change then we can head off." Hailey runs down the hall
"No need to be fancy." I call
She returns and is in a white shirt and black jeans. I smile softly. The shirt has the front part tucked in. I smile as she jogs over to hug me.
"Is this fancy enough?" She asks
"It's perfect. Where do you wanna go?" I ask as we slip our shoes on and head out.
I open the door on my car and she sits inside,
"A gentleman," she chuckles
I close the door and walk around to the drivers side and hop in.
"So where do you want to go?" I ask as I reverse out of the driveway
"There's this place on Levitt that has really good pizza." Hailey replies
"Then that is where we shall go." I start driving.
We park and hop out. We go in, eat our pizza then head off.
"Alright. Just drop me home." Hailey exclaims
"Kay." I park at her house.
"Night Jay, see you tomorrow." She kisses me softly
"Night Hailey." I reply as she enters her home.
I head home and head to bed.

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