•part - 15•

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Next day
Yn pov

Yesterday Cold ass ohh sorry taehyung proposed me. Woahaaa
I can't believe in my eyes 😲
He proposed me, and I said yes because I also love him and idk why? Hehe 😁
Right now I was getting ready to go my University.

Time skip:
At University:

Still yn pov

I was thinking about last night and blushing but suddenly someone shout my name I snapped out And look at the person and it's none other than jiya. Who looking at me with confused face.

Jiya: yn, what are you thinking huh? I'm calling you last few minutes but you didn't listen and why the hell you are blushing? *confused*

Yn: aish, first let's go in otherwise we'll be late *pulling her arms*

Jiya: yn, no first tell me what are you thinking? *stopped at place*

Yn: aish, please let i-

Jiya: please tell me na *puppy eyes*

She showed me puppy and I can't resist.

Yn: aish *sigh* I have a boyfriend *looking at jiya*

Jiya: oka- WAIT WHAT? what are you saying huh? And who is this? *raising eyebrows*

Yn: you know him very well.

Jiya: What I know him very well? *thinking* please tell me na *whining*

Yn: and he is............

Jiya: just spill the tea *looking at her in curiosity*


Jiya: ohhh I see

Yn: What I see? *confused*

Jiya: sorry but I know he likes you from the very first time *awkwardly smile*

I widen my eyes, is she is my best friend or is she taehyung best friend. I hit her shoulder and she dramatically shout.

Yn: and how do you know? *raising one eyebrow*

Jiya: hehe *awkwardly smile* kookie told me.

Yn: and why didn't you tell me huh? *hit her shoulder*

Jiya: ouch *caressing her shoulder* because kookie told me that *nervously smile*

Yn: you and your kookie *mocking tone* okay fine but in next time not Repeat that okay *glaring at her*

Jiya nodded. We go in classroom and the day went like this. Right now it's time to go home yayyy........
Jiya already went home because she said that she have to go with rosè eonnie for shopping.
I was going to my University gate until I saw one familiar figure.....
I went near as I saw the person I widen my eyes in shock. He was staring at me.


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