Chapter 1/1

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Namjoon's Pov.

We've been working hard with our comeback these final weeks of our hectic schedule. In about 2 more weeks, we are going to release our music video "dope". Yesterday, we barely finished with our mv filming.

As a reward for our hard work, our manager gave us the day to relax and do whatever we wish to do. So, that is why we are celebrating with a trip to the mall center. We have a budget of under $200 to spend at the mall. It may seem a lot but that's not enough for the seven of us, according to Tae.

But something is telling me that Tae would protest against our budget. Lately, he has been eyeing Gucci, which we still cannot afford.

I entered Jungkook, our golden maknae's room. He is usually the one we have trouble getting out of bed. "Jungkook-ah! Get out of bed! We're leaving to the mall in a bit!" I yelled frustrately at him, as I yanked his blanket away from him. I only got a groan in response and a pull on the blanket again.

"Come on Jungkook-ah! Get out of bed. I'm not repeating myself." I said, "If you don't get up in this instance, we won't buy you banana milk today!" I threatened, which made him jump out of bed the second he heard my threat.

"I'm up! I'm up!" He claimed and yawned, stretching himself. I shook my head and smiled at the desparate eagerness for banana milk.

"Well then, get dressed. Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung made breakfast. We're all waiting for you." I said and left him so he can change.

I went to change while Jungkook was changing too. Yoongi and Jin were setting the breakfast and silverware on the dining table. Jimin was being lectured by Hoseok for the hundredth time. Jungkook finished changing before me. Jungkook and Taehyung were running around the kitchen, bumping into the counters and were about to knock down dishes that were set on the counter.

"Taehyung! Jungkook! Sit down and eat your breakfast!" Jin barked at them, but he failed because they were laughing and not obeying Jin. I was furious because they have the nerve to disrespect us on a daily basis. They are always a chaotic duo that can't be left on their own together. They constantly act like children. They fight and run around like wild animals.

"Jungkook! Taehyung! SIT DOWN! Or there will be no ice cream for the both of you!" I was honestly tired of these two mischievous ways. They stopped in their tracks, glared at me, hung their heads low, and went to sit down on the table with the rest of us.

We all ate quietly, enjoying the meal that Jin and Yoongi prepared for us. After we slowly devoured our food, we started to plan for the day.

"Ok. We're going to stay together as a family, not like last time" I eyed the maknae line, "Also, everyone will have an allowance of 25 dollars." Once I said that everyone groaned miserably, but Tae exxagerately shouted and banged his fists onto the table.

"Are you crazy? That's not enough! I told you I've been wanting the new limited edition Gucci jacket."

Jin glared at Tae's disrespectful tone that was directed at me. "Dongsaeng, don't you raise your voice at your hyung, you spoiled brat! You should be grateful we're even going out. If you keep this up, you won't even go out with us and you will do chores instead. Understood? Do I make myself clear?"

Tae was about to talk back but bit his lip before he regretted it. "Yeah! It's a miracle that we get to have time to get out and hang out!" Hoseok exclaimed, lightning up the room with his sunshine energetic energy.

Later in the mall. Tae's Pov.

I was eyeing the Gucci store to my left as the other members were grabbing my wrist and were pulling me to the ice cream place. Everyone rushed to the ice cream samples, trying the various flavors like cookie dough, pistachio and unicorn flavor. I thought of going to at least check out the Gucci store, but I know they won't let me, telling me we need quality time together. So I had a better plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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