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Jimin POV

Walking towards my Appartment while the girl wrap her legs around my waist as we both were kissing each other roughly.I opened the appartments door, went inside the living room still not breaking the kiss.I sat on the couch.We both are making out right now.But I heard the door clicked open.I look towards the direction to see who it is.To my surprise it's a girl and I don't know who she is but..........damnn is she even a human?she just look like a human barbie.holy shitttttt........she just made me lost by her beauty.Her wide doe eyes locked with my.Her soft,pulmpy lips were parted form each other making me wanna taste them so bad.Red tints were visible in rosy,chubby cheeks.Her silky, soft hair were complimenting her more.Her hour glass body is so sexy and hot.I can't take my eyes of her.

Jimin:fuck [I goarn underneath]

At airport _

Lisa POV:
Finally after a long journey I arrived to Seoul not just to complete my study but to complete my dreams as well.Now i'm going towards my first destination by the cab.I was going to the place where i'm going to live.As I reached there I took my luggage and went to appartment.I took my rooms key and went to my room.As I entered in living room I saw something unexpected Which maje my eyes wide open.There was a boy and a girl both were half naked and they're making out.The girl looked at me shocked while the boy wasn't even bother by my presence but he's stareing at me,more like his eyes were pricering through my soul.I feel uncomfortable a bit by the he was looking at me."Fuck"I heard him goarn under his breathe and I finally decided to speak up.

Lisa:what the fuc-

Jimin:No curseing...doll. [Smirked]

Lisa:don't you dare to call me that. [Angry]

Jimin:Seeing a doll infront of me I can't control my mouth.

Such a flirt..

Lisa:atleast can't you get a room?![Annoyed]

Jimin:I thought it was all my.isn't it?[frown]

Lisa:Yeah....But now i'm also gonna stay here.

Jimin:baby you go home we'll done this later.

And the girl leaves after they both pecked each others lips.ewww

Jimin:Park Jimin.[he extend his hand]

Lisa:Lalisa Manoban.[we shake our hands]

Jimin:Pretty name doll.

Lisa:Stop calling me that.[sternly]

Jimin:I'll not.btw it's already dinner time now.aren't you hungry?

Lisa:Yeah.I'll just freshen up and cook something for myself.

Jimin:Hey,you just came here.Aren't you tired?

Lisa:Yeah actually.

Jimin:I know a place.They serve delicious food.Wanna go?my treat.

Lisa:isn't you're been too friendly?[frown]

Jimin:[Chuckle]That's my way of interacting with people.btw nice to meet you "doll".

Lisa:[Chuckle]Nice to meet you too "Joker".

Jimin:[Smirked]If i'm a "Joker" you're gonna be my"Harley Quinn".So, are we going?

Lisa:[Rolled her eyes]Yeah,Lets go.

Lisa's outfit:

Jimin's Outfit:

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Jimin's Outfit:

_______________________________________Hey👋 chimmies its my first story

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Hey👋 chimmies its my first story.I hope you guys like it and support you chimmies.And sorry for the grammar mistakes.English is not my first language.byeee 😘.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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