Uday's fear[ 12]

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The man stepped into the room, his footsteps muffled by the plush carpet. The door swung shut behind him, and he paused, momentarily disoriented. The air felt charged, thick with an unspoken tension. His gaze swept across the familiar space-the neatly made bed, the framed photographs on the dresser, the sunlight filtering through the curtains.

And then he saw them.

His wife and mother sat side by side on the edge of the bed, their shoulders shaking with laughter. Their eyes met, and they dissolved into giggles once more. The room seemed to shrink, the walls closing in on him. He blinked, trying to make sense of the scene before him.

His wife, radiant and carefree, her laughter like a melody. Her hand rested on his mother's, their fingers entwined. His mother, the matriarch, her lined face creased with joy. They leaned into each other, conspirators in some private joke.

He felt like an intruder, an outsider stumbling upon a secret world. Knocking the door slightly he entered and they stopped giggling.

Abhimanyu: Mom app thik to hai, aura khana kyon chod diya beech mein.

Both ladies looked at him .Pallavi glanced up, her eyes softening as they met his. She patted the space beside her, inviting him to join. His wife nodded, her expression turned blank .

Pallavi: I'm perfectly fine Abhimanyu but the things happening with my both children is not okay. Ek ki shadi ni hone de Rahe doorse ki zabadasti krawa di ,no offense Prerna beta. [She exclaimed, feeling hurt for her children]

Prerna: Not taken Aunty Ji.

Abhimanyu :Mom! Don't worry we will handle this just don't provoke badi maa ,please when I'm away, You don't have backup.

Prerna: [looking confused] Why will she be unsafe at her own house Mr.Rajvansh. Chachi, Your Dad kitne log hai.

Abhimanyu: Ms.Rajput please..(his sentence was left incompleted, when Pallavi said)
"It's Mrs. Rajvansh now ,beta jii."
Abhimanyu's lip twitch a little he raised eyebrow towards Prerna and than said 'Apki bahu se pucie , is she ready to except this scammed marriage. '

'This is what I talked to Prerna she said she wants to know you better as the elections are near it gives her less time to invest complete time in marriage. 'Pallavi said patting both Abhimanyu and Prerna's head she moved out.

Prerna stood up as Pallavi closed the door .

'Look Mr. Rajvansh your mom is sweet lady , I didn't not care about people's feeling but she is one of those few people whom I read properly, so for her sake I agreed to play a wife role .' Prerna walked towards shelf where her mother-in-law helped her to arrange some files.

' It's so kind of  you after what my family did to you .' Abhimanyu said sincerely walking towards couch and settled their switching on the 📺.

'I don't understand your separate wing from whole house, yesterday's room was different, is this is your bedroom? ' She questioned settling next to him as a news playing on background spiked her interest.

' First of  all it's our bedroom Mrs. Rajvansh, and I like my privacy when I am working on my cases, so here we are .' Abhimanyu exclaimed spreading his arms like wing to show her his territory.

'That's good,'she mumbled and start watching news keenly.


As the state is heading towards elections! Governor issued new qualifications scenarios for CM candidates. It cause rage in many political parties... As we all can see no.of supporters of various parties are marching towards governor's office. The atmosphere of city is not cooling down .

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