Chapter 7 | Disco polo, tea and communism

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Mary didn't know what to think. Everyone warned her about Alexander. They said he's creepy and dangerous but for her, he was just a man. A middle-aged man who really loves hugs. That's all. She left his house in one piece. What was scaring her so badly before?

Mary sat down in a park. She looked around. It was huge and looked magical. The leaves were starting to lose their color but most of them were still green.

"Hey" she heard a familiar voice behind her.

It was Jackson. He sat down next to her, hugged and kissed her. Oh, how she missed him, his hands around her body and the taste of his lips. The boy stopped the kiss and looked at her with concern.

"You smell different... Like a man" he said.

"No shit Sherlock" Mary rolled her eyes. "I was just alone with a man in his house for two hours. Of course I smell like him!"

Jackson scanned her with his eyes from head to toe.

"He didn't touch you, right?"

"Actually he very much did."

"What?!" Jackson screamed. "I told you not to let him touch you!" he screamed. He looked up and covered his mouth with his hands trying to control his anger and calm down.

"Don't scream" Mary put her hand on his shoulder. The boy took a deep breath and said:

"Tell me everything that happened."

She looked away and started speaking:

"We were reading and he noticed that I was stressed out, so he gave me a little massage and then we continued reading. Today we were reading and we were hugging the entire time."

Jackson took another deep breath.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice, but I hope you understand me."

"I do" Mary hugged him. He hugged her back and whispered:

"I don't want my girlfriend to be physically close with someone else..."

"Wait" she interrupted and jumped back. "Sorry Jackson, I love you but I don't know you too well. Also, you never asked to be my boyfriend in the first place."

"Right, I'm sorry" he moved closer to her. He kissed the tip of her nose and smiled. "That's why I want to ask if you have time tomorrow to go on a date with me."

Mary blushed.

"I guess so. After school and cheating on you with Alexander I'll be free."

"Very funny" Jackson squeezed her cheek and kissed her. "Text me later sunshine, alright?"

"I like that name" she wrapped her arms around his neck. Jackson giggled and grabbed her waist. He got up and carried her out of the park.

"I can walk" she laughed.

"I know" the boy walked further into the city still carrying her. She closed her eyes and enjoyed this little moment. He was so cute.


When Mary entered the house later she saw Teresa visibly pissed. The woman got up in a second and grabbed her daughter's arm. She dragged her into the girl's bedroom. Mary saw that her window was shattered to pieces.

"Do you know how expensive the windows are, young lady?!" Teresa screamed. "Learn how to respect my money!"

"Why would I break my own widow?" Mary asked.

"I don't know!" The woman continued to scream. "Maybe to be a little, spoiled rebel! Or maybe to persuade me to install bars like you asked?!"

Mary was shocked.

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